Saturday, June 8, 2024. Veterinarian Profesion Education Study Program, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (PPDH FKH) UGM conducted Community Service on Goat Livestock Maintenance in Kebonharjo Village,
SDG 2: Zero Hunger
Lameness in cattle can cause significant losses if not properly addressed, as it disrupts the productivity of the animals. To tackle this issue, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Gadjah Mada University
Friday, 7 June 2024. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Undergraduate Study Program UGM is holding a community service that focuses on the health of sacrificial animals following the Eid al-Adha celebration
Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Gadjah Mada menyelenggarakan Ujian Tengah Semester pada tanggal 1 – 3 April 2024 kemudian dilanjutkan pada tanggal 22 – 26 April 2024. Sehubungan dengan berakhirnya
Yogyakarta – Pada Kamis 5 Oktober 2023 lalu, salah satu Professor FKH UGM kembali dikukuhkan sebagai Guru Besar, yaitu Prof. Dr. drh. Joko Prastowo, M.Si. Pengukuhan berlangsung pukul 07.00 –