Veterinary Medicine Study Program (VMSP)


No Code Course Credits Prerequisite PLO Learning Outcome
Primary/Supporting Element
1. UNU 100-105


UNU 100



Islamic Studies


Module handbook

2/0 1 PDS At the end of the lectures students are expected to:

a. Knowledge/Understanding on:
1. The Islamic view of science and technology, The importance of learning, developing, practicing, and teaching science and technology.
2. Islamic guide in working environment.
3. Islamic guide in leading an agency or company.
4. Islamic values related to the welfare, utilisation and preservation of animals.
b. Ability to Analyse/Intelectual Skills in:
1. Formulating thoughts and policies in accordance with Islamic values.
2. Performing work analysis based on Islamic values.
c. Practical Skills in:
1. Identifying some issues based on the spiritual values of Islam.
2. Making work policies in accordance with the spiritual values of Islam.
3. Implementing islamic values in daily life and duties.
d. Managerial & Transferable Skills in :
1. Managing the basic sources of Islamic values associated with the veterinary profession and the world of work and utilising them in life and practice.
2. Transferring knowledge and lifeskills based on Islamic values to others and the environment.
e. Attitude:
1. Sensitivity and concern for the various problems that exist around it.
2. Professional acts based on Islamic values.
3. Work ethic in accordance with Islamic values.

2. UNU 110 Ideology (Pancasila Education)


Module handbook

2/0 1 PDS Student should be able to understand the Pancasila as the basic value and the value of the state the constitutional system of the Republic of Indonesia to study the historical, juridical and philosophical as well as understanding and actualization of Pancasila as a paradigm in the life of society, nation and state.
3. UNU 240 Citizenship


Module handbook

2/0 1 PDS Students should be able to be scientists and professionals who are able to develop a sense of nationalism and patriotism; democratic civilized; good citizens, competitiveness, discipline and actively participate in building a peaceful life based on the value system of Pancasila.
4. KHU 1011 Osteology, Arthrology, Myology and Splanchnology


Module handbook

2/1 2, 3, 9, 12, 15 KSS Able to understanding in terms of:
1. Nomina anatomica associated with the field of osteology, artrology, myology, and splanchnology.
2. Directions and position of the limb.
3. The structure and location of skeleton axial skeletal bones, appendicular skeleton, and visceral skeleton.
4. Bone classification by shape or morphology (bone length, short bone flat bone, irregular bone).
5. Classification of joints based on the structure of joints, relationships between structures of joints, movements and joints positions.
6. Terms which used on the muscles.
7. Muscles classification according to the place of attachment, shape, and function
8. The structure of muscles and additional structures (accessories) on the locomotion system (fascia, tendo, ligaments).
9. Name of the major organs, tunnels and additional organs of the organ system according to nomina anatomica and general function.
10.Variations in the shape and location of visceral organs which is arrange an organ system in domestic animals (cattle, horses, goats, pigs, dogs, cat).Able to show/ perform in terms of:
1. To have an ability to linking and integrating the structures that build the body’s skeletons, bones, joints, and muscles.
2. able to compare the variety of shapes, locations, and the number of skeletons among domestic animals.
3. have an ability to make an integration on the organ which compose organ system in the body.
4. Compare variations in the shape and location of the organ system.
5. To elucidate and identify the organ structure in detail based on direction orientation according to nomina anatomica.
6. To find the specific structures which sign the differentiation between species.
7. To demonstrate identification of organs as well as species based on identification normally organ morphology.
8. To combine the structures which is specifically and partially studiedAble to analyzed in terms of:
1. Communicate knowledge about gross anatomy of the bone, joint, muscle and visceral muscles effectively through oral, writing and drawing.
2. Learning independently or groups with open and critical spirit.
3. Mastering information and communication technologies to enrich knowledge of the macroscopic structure of the bone, joints, muscles and visceral organs.Able to conduct a teamwork to discuss some multiple discipline lectures
1.Faithful and fearful to God Almighty
2.Having a high motivation, curiosity. (curiosity), innovative, dynamic, and efficient.
3.Independence in learning by utilizing learning materials, information technology.
4.Honest, integrity and polite. 5.Proficient, academic, and professional.
6.Appreciate the originality of ideas, concepts, works and other discoveries.
7.Appreciate the interdisciplinary efforts in exploring, utilize and conserve natural resources
8.Pay attention and be able to appreciate views and opinions other people.
9.Prepare and equip his or herself with knowledge, skills to anticipate the structure of damaged organs, have undergone changes due to the disease, forgery, or physiological changes.
10.Loving and upholding profession and professional ethics.
5. KHU 1021 Veterinary Biochemistry I


Module handbook

2/0 2, 3, 9 KSS Students able to understand the role of basic biochemistry in veterinary medicine, chemical structure, function and configuration of monosaccharide, oligosaccharide and polysaccharide, the basic structure of carbohydrates, Fisher and Haworth formulas, classification of aldose and ketose, glycosidic bond formation and some chemical properties of carbohydrates, lipids chemical structures in general. Properties, nomenclature of fatty acid, phospholipids, sphingolipids, cerebrocides, steroids and lipids complex, chemical structures of nucleosides, nucleotides, nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), function, properties and method to isolate nucleic acid,chemical structures, properties of amino acid, peptide bond formation, protein structure, functions and protein properties, the general structure, properties and functions of vitamins and minerals, general structure, properties, and factors that affect to the enzymes performance, enzyme kinetics, Michaelis- Menten equations and inhibition mechanism of enzyme performance, hormones and endocrine system in general, type, functions and mechanisms of hormone performance and hormone control system. Students able to create collaboration on inter cultural basis, multi courses, and create participatory leadership among student (to improve student soft skills: active listening, and socio-cultural awareness).
6. KHU 1131 Animal Welfare and Veterinary Ethics
Module handbook
2/0 1, 4 PDS BWS Ability to understand the basic principles of animal welfare
Able to make an assessment/measurement of animal welfare and able to become a supervisor animal welfare based on the application of The Five Freedoms in various activities related to animals, and able to adapt the global demands on animal welfare which are aligned with religion, culture and local traditions
Able to understand and implement the ethics based on veterinary science development, correlation between ethics, discipline, and veterinary ethics as combination of medic and business ethics, vow/pledge of veterinarian and veterinarian ethics applied in subjects about applied regulations, policy, animal protection, utilization and development of animal husbandry, animal health, veterinary public health and quarantine
7. KHU 1051 General Animal Husbandry and Enterpreneurship


Module handbook

2/1 3, 4, 16 EWS, LTCS CO1: Able to understand daily activities of animal husbandry, business of animal and animal pruducts, environmental management.
CO2: Able to show the daily activities of animal husbandry, business of animal and animal products, environmental management
CO3: Able to communicate and transfer the knowledge and technology of animal husbandry
8. KHU 1132 Biostatistics


Module handbook

1/0 1, 15, 17 KSS Able to explain the definition of statistics, biostatistics, data source, sample, population, descriptive statistics and inference statistics
Able to analyze case study about veterinary medicine, especially for field case study
Able to explain of result interpretation from the analyzed comprehensive study
Able to conduct a teamwork to discuss some multidiscipline lecture
Number of Credits 17


No Code Course Credits Prerequisite Competence* Program Learning Outcome
Primary/Supporting Element
1. KHU 1012 Angiology and Neurology


Module handbook

2/1 KHU 1011 (Osteology, Arthrology, Myology and Splanchnology) 2, 3, 9 KSS Able to understanding in terms of:
1. Central nervous, peripheral nerves, somatic nerves, autonomic nerves (sympathetic and parasympathetic), sensory and motor
2. Morphology of the nervous system which includes the morphology of the encephalon and spinal cord
3. Cranial nerves and spinal nerves, including the types, properties and networks which are innervated
4. Brachial plexus and innervation of the cranial extremities
5. Lumbosacral plexus and innervation of the caudal extremities
6. Sensory organs including the skin, eyes, ears, nose, and tongue
7. The hearth (cor) morphology and blood vessels which exit or headed to heart (cor)
8. Blood vessels in the cranium, cervix, thorax, abdominal, and extremity areas as well as the supplied network
9. Lymphatic system: lymph node / nodule, lymph center, and lymph gland 2Able to show/ perform in terms of:
1. To demonstrate an ability of basic skills how to take an encephalon, spinal cord and various ganglia; To demonstrate an ability to identify the parts of encephalon, spinal cord and various ganglia
2. To demonstrate an ability to do a preparation and identification of cranial and spinal nerves and also the innervated tissue which innervated by the nerves
3. To demonstrate an ability to do a preparation and identification the parts of the heart
4. To demonstrate an ability to do a preparation and identification of blood vessel and tissue which is supplied by the vessels
5. To demonstrate an ability to do a preparation and identification of sensory and parts of its.Able toanalyzed in terms of:
1. The morphology of the encephalon, cranial nerves and relationships each part with another body system and the basic difference on various domestic animals
2. The morphology of the spinal cord, spinal nerves, and relationships organs/ tissues are innervated.
3. Name / type of nerves based on morphology, location and organ which are innervated
4. The various sensory organs in domestic animals.
5. The morphology of hearth (cor) and also the parts of the hearth; To have an ability to explain the basic differences of the hearth on a variety of domestic animals
6. Blood vessels in the cranium area, cranial extremities, caudal extremities, thorax and abdomen along with the area supplied; and able to explain differences in various domestic animals including morphology and location.
7. The lymphatic system components, able to describe the structure, morphology and topography of primary and secondary lymphoid organs: thymus, bursa fabricius, bone marrow, lien, lymph node/lymph nodes, including lympho centers, and lymph vessels.Able to conduct a teamwork to discuss some multiple discipline lectures
1. Independent, creative and innovative in enhancing knowledge by utilizing information technology and other resources to improve knowledge and understanding
2. Abletoworkandlearningroupsorteamstoimprovethe skills and knowledge
3. Able to communicate his or her knowledge and opinions both on oral and writing
4. Attitude : Faithful and fearful to God Almighty, Honest, fair, integrity, and polite, Proficient, academic, and professional, Curious (curiosity), innovative, dynamic, and efficient, Appreciate the originality of ideas, concepts, and other discoveries, Appreciate the interdisciplinary efforts in exploring, utilizing and conserve natural resources
5. Give an attention and could appreciate the views and opinions of others.
2. KHU 1013 Cytology, Basic Histology and Embryology


Module handbook

2/1 1, 2, 3, 9 KSS CO1: able to identify the structure of cell, the shape variety of cell, the structure of epithel, connective, muscle, nerve tissues, the variety fertilization process, the stages of cleavage, the variety of vertebrate blastula, the variety of vertebrate grastrula, the embryonic tabulation process of vertebrate, the organogenesis of vertebrate.
CO2: able to show the histology of epithel, connective, muscle and nerve tissues, the cleavage stages of vertebrate, the blastula, gastrula stages of vertebrate, the organ development of vertebrate
CO3: able to differences in histology between epithel, connective, muscle and nerve tissues
CO4: able to conduct a teamwork to discuss some multidiscipline lectures
3. KHU 1041 Veterinary Physiology I


Module handbook

3/1 KHU 1011 (Osteology, Arthrology, Myology and Splanchnology), KHU 1021 (Veterinary Biochemistry I) 2, 3, 9 KSS CO1: Able to identify the function of organs in various systems including the nervous system, respiration, circulation, endocrinology, digestion, and thermoregulation
CO2: Able to explain the mechanism the function of organs in various systems including the nervous system, respiration, circulation, endocrinology, digestion, and thermoregulation
CO3: Able to work in the laboratory
CO4: Able to conduct a teamwork to discuss some multidiscipline lectures
4. KHU 1091 Basic Veterinary Parasitology


Module handbook

3/1 2, 3 KSS CO1: Understand and could describe the life of the parasite; include: Symbiosis and parasitism ,; Types of parasites, hospes and types of hospes; Stage, life cycle and parasite breeding (Nematodes, Cestods, Trematoda, Achantocephala, Protozoa and Arthropods).
CO2: Are able to carry out practical work in labs and outdoors to diagnosis animal diseases especially when caused by parasites (Observe morphology and identify Parasites: protozoa, arthropods, nematoda, cestoda, trematoda, acanthocephala)
CO3: Capable and can manage the aspect of parasitology as an important factor in animal health compete and capable to communicate problems caused by parasites
5. KHU 1022 Veterinary Biochemistry II


Module handbook

2/1 KHU 1021 (Veterinary Biochemistry I) 2, 3, 9 KSS CO1: Able to understand the carbohydrate metabolism, lipid metabolism, nucleic acid metabolism, Amino acid and protein metabolism, enzyme and hormone metabolism, photosisntesis, bioenergetics, vitamin and mineral metabolism
CO2: Able to show and differencescarbohydrate metabolism, lipid metabolism, nucleic acid metabolism, Amino acid and protein metabolism, enzyme and hormone metabolism, photosisntesis, bioenergetics, vitamin and mineral metabolism
CO3: Able to create collaboration on inter cultural basis, multi courses, and create participatory leadership among student (to improve student soft skills: active listening, and socio- cultural awareness).
6. KHU 1133 Research Methodology and Scientific Writing
Module handbook
1/0 KHU 1132 (Biostatistics) 17 KSS, EWS CO1: Understand research problems in the field of Veterinary Medicine
CO2: Understand the techniques in making proposals, research results, powerpoints, and posters
CO3: Can apply in designing research and explain the results of their research
Number of Credits 18


No Code Course Credits Prerequisite Competence* Program Learning Outcome
Primary/Supporting Element
1. KHU 2014 Applied Veterinary Anatomy


Module handbook

1/1 KHU 1012 (Angiology and Neurology) 3, 9 KSS CO1: Able to explain/ identify anatomical knowledge for clinical need
CO2: Able to show/ perform anatomical knowledge for clinical need
CO3: Able to analyze/differentiate anatomical knowledge for clinical need (dog, cat, cow, etc)
CO4: Able to conduct a team work to discuss some multiple discipline lecturers.
2. KHU 2015 Histology of Animal Organ System


Module handbook

2/1 KHU 1013 (Microanatomy and Embryology) 1, 2, 3, 9 KSS CO1: Able to identify the organ organization according to histologically approach, histological structure of organ systems in the body (nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, lymphatic and immunity, digestive, male genital, female genital, respiration, sensory) of the domestic animals, histological terminology in Latin and English.
CO2: Able to show the organ organization according to histologically approach, histological structure of organ systems in the body (nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, lymphatic and immunity, digestive, male genital, female genital, respiration, sensory) of the domestic animals in the laboratory by using microscope.
CO3: Able to differentiate the differences and/or similarities of histologic structure of certain organs within the animal body among animal species in one class, and between classes of animals, and differentiate the function of organ systems (nerves, cardiovascular, endocrine, lymphatics and immunity, digestion, male genitalia, female genitals, respiration, sensory) in the animal body based on its structure.
CO4: Able to conduct a team work to discuss some multidiscipline lectures.
3. KHU 2042 Veterinary Physiology II


Module handbook

2/1 KHU 1041 (Veterinary Physiology I) 2, 3, 9 KSS Students should be able to explain the basic functions of integration of urination system, sensory organs, male and female reproduction, metabolic, and homeostasis system.
4. KHU 2124 Animal Breeding

Module handbook

2/0 KHU 1051 (General Animal Husbandry and Enterpreneurship 2, 3 KSS CO1: Able to identify the organ organization according to breeding management, genetic trait selection, farm animal race, inbreeding, crossbreeding, heritability, ripitability and genetical scoring of the farm animals
CO2: Able to conduct the index/scoring of genetic trait on breeding management, genetic trait selection, farm animal race, inbreeding, crossbreeding, heritability, ripitability and genetical scoring of the farm animals
CO3: Able to identify; overcome; and control the farm animal breeding problems.
CO4: Able to conduct a team work to discuss some multidiscipline problems
5. KHU 2081 Veterinary Bacteriology and Mycology


Module handbook

2/1 KHU 1130 (Veterinary Biochemstry II 2, 3 KSS CO1: At the end of the course, the student would be able to identify the morphology of bacterial colonies in several media and bacterial and fungal cell morphology under a microscope with various staining methods
CO2: At the end of the course, the student would be able to demonstrate morphology of bacterial and fungal colonies in various media; could show the morphology of bacterial and fungal cells under the microscope with; count the number of bacteria
CO3: At the end of the course, the student would be able to understand the physiological properties of bacteria and fungi, including the growth stage, nutritional need, temperature, oxygen/anaerobic condition, osmotic pressure. They would also understand the principles of sterilization and the use of antiseptic and disinfectant.
CO4: The student could work well in groups and discuss material from various fields of science
6. KHU 2092 Veterinary Parasitic Disease


Module handbook

3/1 KHU 1091 (Basic Veterinary Parasitology) 3, 6, 7 KSS CO1: Identify parasitic diseases migration, transmission, pathogenesis, pathologic changes, clinical signs and symptoms, variety of pathogen parasite diseases, and their roles in veterinary field
CO2: Mastering, Competing, Solving problems, and cooperating the important parasitology diseases in animal health, diagnosis methods, treatment and control, diagnostic approach of parasite diseases, their life pattern make differential diagnosis and developing ideas of prevention and control of parasite diseases in animals
CO3: Making the right diagnosis based on clinical symptoms and signs, and able to demonstared parasitic laboratory examinations and also controlling the spread of the disease and conducting parasitology research in scope
CO4: critical attitude to environmental issues of parasite disease and its impact in community and Sensitive to environmental issues of parasite disease and its management and prevention
Number of Credits 17


No Code Course Credits Prerequisite Competence* Program Learning Outcome
Primary/Supporting Element
1. KHU 2031 Basic Pharmacology


Module handbook

2/0 KHU 2042 (Veterinary Physiology II), KHU 1022 (Veterinary Biochemistry II) 2, 3 KSS CO1: To know and understand the basic pharmacology especially of drug’s fate and mechanism of action of drugs in the body.
CO2: Able to explain and illustrate the drug’s absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion (ADME), receptor theory, agonis and antagonism; interaction; neurotransmitters action caused by the substances or drugs; and the novel theory of drugs
CO3: Capable in collaborating work of team/group, have the curiousity and antusiasm to topic of each subject, able to conclude the summary of discussion
2 KHU 2121 Veterinary Reproduction and Reproductive Technology


Module handbook

2/1 KHU 2042

Veterinary Physiology II

2, 3, 9 KSS CO1: able to explain about physiology of reproductive process, several technological reproduction, and its regulation.
CO2: able to perform how to identify/differentiate reproductive organ of various animal and technological reproductions that match to the reproductive efficiency
CO3: Students able to perform estrous detection, semen collection, evaluation and preservation.
CO4: Able to conduct a team work to discuss some multidiscipline problems
3 KHU 2071 Epidemiology and Veterinary Economy


Module handbook

2/1 KHU 2132 Biostatistics

KHU 2091

Veterinary Parasitic Disease

1, 2, 13, 14 KSS LTCS CO1: Able to explain the concept of veterinary epidemiology, the source of data, population, sampling technic and sample size, determinant, agen, hospes, environment.
CO2: Able to analyze a disease event based on an appropriate study and can calculate the diagnostic tests needed and able to explain means of disease investigation, monitoring, and surveillance.
CO3: Able to evaluate and interpret the results of disease investigation and calculation of losses due to the disease
CO4: Able to explain how to get samples, to calculate the risk and prevalence and incidence of an example in the field, to calculate appropriate associations for cross-sectional studies, cohorts, and casecontrols and to calculate benefit cost ratio of a strategic diseases.
CO5: Able to conduct a teamwork to discuss some multidiscipline lectures
4 KHU 2082 Veterinary Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases


Module handbook

2/1 KHU 2081 Veterinary Bacteriology and Mycology 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 KSS CO1: At the end of the course, the students will be able to understand:
1. Important diseases in mammals caused by bacteria and fungi,
2. Mechanisms of infection, pathogenesis, epizootiologic, clinical symptoms
3. Identification procedure of bacterial and mycotic disease agents
4. Controlling animal diseases caused by bacteria and fungi.CO2: At the end of the course, the students could have some basic veterinary microbiologic skills:
1. Having skills to isolate infectious bacteria and fungi
2. Having skills for controlling and prevent animal diseasesCO3: At the end of the course, the students would possess these attitudes:
1. Could make smart and precise decisions of laboratory diagnosis in term of bacterial and mycotic disease in animals
2. Having a great responsibility to handle microbial cases
3. Care for cases of infectious animal disease
5 KHU 2101 Veterinary General Pathology


Module handbook



2/1 KHU 1022  Veterinary Biochemistry II

KHU 1011  Osteology, Arthrology, Myology and Splanchnology

KHU 1012  Angiology and Neurology

KHU 1013  Cytology, Basic Histology and Embryology

KHU 2014  Applied Veterinary Anatomy

KHU 2015  Animal Organ System Histology

KHU 2042  Veterinary Physiology II

2, 3 KSS CO1: Student are able to understand the terminology in veterinary general pathology, fundamental process of cell and tissues to injury that underlie all diseases process cell injury (reversible and irreversible), circulatory disturbances, inflammation and tissues repair and disturbances of growth and neoplasm.
CO2: Students have capability to analyze the mechanisms of pathological changes (gross and microscopic) in the cell injury , inflammation, tissues repair, disturbances of growth and neoplasm
CO3: Students are able to identify abnormalities in cell injury (reversible and irreversible), circulatory disturbances, inflammation, tissues repair, abnormal development and neoplasm
CO4: Have a capacity for teamwork and well-communicate to interpret the terminology and basic process in cell injury (reversible and irreversible), circulatory disturbances, inflammation, tissues repair, abnormal development and neoplasm.
6 KHU 2052 Veterinary Clinical Nutrition


Module handbook

3/1 KHU 1132 Biostatistics

KHU 2042

Veterinary Physiology II

10, 11 KSS CO1: Able to understand how to identify and determine the problem in feed stuff anti-nutrition containing, techniques for preparing, processing, formulating ration of feed stuff and feeding management of various animal species.
CO2: Able to show perform a skill to examine, correlation between anatomy and physiology of the digestive tract with the nutritional and feed requirements consumed naturally from each species.
CO3: able to formulate and analyze nutrient requirements at every stage of life and to apply feeding management of various animal species (Dairy cattle, beef cattle, sheep, goat, horse, swine, dog, cat, poultry)
Number of Credits 18



No Code Course Credits Prerequisite Competence* Program Learning Outcome
Primary/Supporting Element
1. KHU 3083 Veterinary Virology and Viral Diseases


Module handbook

3/1 KHU 2082

Veterinary Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases

3, 6, 7, 8 KSS CO1: Able to understand about viruses and their differences with other microorganisms, viral structures, viral genetics, viral replication, viral evolution, viral pathogenesis, cellular responses to viral infections, understanding some important diseases especially in animals and in some cases in humans due to viral infections. Able to understand about prions.
CO2: Able to understand and have expertise in detecting viruses, viral cultivation techniques, both in embryonic eggs and cell cultures, diagnosis of viral infectious diseases, principles of biosafety and biosecurity
CO3: Able to recognize viral infectious diseases, both clinically and laboratorically. Have the ability and expertise to recognize and handle a number of viral infectious diseases, both in livestock and wildlife. Have the management ability to control viral infectious diseases, prion infection in animals and zoonotic diseases
2. KHU 3032 Pharmacoterapy I


Module handbook

2/1 KHU 2031 Basic Pharmacology 2, 3 KSS CO1: To know and understand the mechanism of action of drugs of variuos group, their potency, application of dosage and the proper of rute administrations
CO2: Applying and illustrate the drug to the specific disease and the disorder of system in the body that designated to specific species
CO3: Evaluate the potency test of some drugs, skilled to calculate the dosage and arrange the data, and skilled to preparing the form of drugs (ex. diluting or mixing of drug forms)
CO4: Capable in collaborating work of team/group, have the curiousity and antusiasm to topic of each subject, able to conclude the summary of discussion
3. KHU 3111 Veterinary Clinical Pathology


Module handbook

3/1 KHU 1022
Veterinary Biochemistry II
KHU 2101
Veterinary General Pathology
2, 3, 9 KSS CO1: Students are able to understand various methods of examination of samples / specimens of blood, urine, feces, body fluids with preservatives.
CO2: Students are able to analyze the results of hematology, urine, feces, body fluids, enzymes, proteins, hormones and their association with clinical symptoms for prognosis and disease diagnosis.
CO3: Students are able to interpretation of examination results of hematology, urine, feces, body fluids, enzymes, proteins, hormones and their association with clinical symptoms for prognosis and disease diagnosis.
4. KHU 3103 Veterinary Necropsy


Module handbook

1/1 KHU 2101

Veterinary General Pathology

2, 3, 9 KSS CO1: To have to understand the perspective of veterinary necropsy/forensic pathology and its role in death investigation and be able to independently examine and report macroscopic and microscopic findings at post-mortem examination of all types of coroners’ cases
CO2: To have ability to integrate subjective (ie, history) and objective (ie, post-mortem findings and laboratory investigation results) information about the death cases of animal, and provide a well-balanced opinion to courts, coroners and authorised investigators
CO3: Have a skill to make a preparation and equipment, prosection and necropsy techniques in various species, making a description and recording of finding, taking appropriate sample/s and preservation of tissue for various examination
CO4: Have a capacity for teamwork and well-communicate to work in necropsy and laboratory management, particularly recognising and advocating maintenance of quality and workplace health and safety procedures
5. KHU 3102 Veterinary Systemic Pathology


Module handbook

3/1 2, 3, 9 KSS CO1: To know and understand about the alteration of cell and tissue per system organ
CO2: To have capability to analyse the mechanisms of disease processes per system organ
CO3: Are able to identify abnormality of cell and tissue per system organ
CO4: To have critical attitude to environment issue in the death of animal and are able to take accurately and precise decision, collaborate in the same discipline and multidiscipline
6. ONE (1) ELECTIVE SUBJECT COURSE 2/0 According to preconditions
Number of Credits 19


No Code Course Credits Prerequisite Competence* Program Learning Outcome
Primary/Supporting Element
1. KHU 3033 Pharmacotherapy II and Toxicology


Module handbook

2/0 KHU 2031 Basic Pharmacology 3, 4, 5 KSS CO1: To know and understand the mechanism of action of drugs of variuos group, their potency, application of dosage and the proper of rute administrations
CO2: Applying and illustrate the drug to the specific disease and the disorder of system in the body that designated to specific species, and basic concept and management therapy of toxicity of various substances
CO3: Capable in collaborating work of team/group, have the curiousity and antusiasm to topic of each subject, able to conclude the summary of discussion
2. KHU 3072 Veterinary Public Health
Module handbook
1/0 KHU 2082

Veterinary Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases

KHU 3103

Neskropsi Veteriner

KHU 3102

Veterinary Systemic Pathology

2, 3 KSS BWS CO1: Be able to explain the Veterinary Public Health as a part of public health in Indonesia and other countries in general; able to link the concept of environmental health with zoonoses, animal farming environmental health, and risk analysis;
CO2: Be able to connect health with education and behaviour programs Veterinary Public Health, zoonoses, and food hygiene; able to connect with the public health administration systems and Veterinary Public Health program; able to connect with the community nutrition program food hygiene, HAACP, and the Codex Alimentarius; able to link occupational health with food hygiene and health of the work environment, Veterinary Public Health program, and Zoonoses. Students should be able to integrate the activities of Veterinary Public Health program integrally to public health activities; able to develop cooperation between agencies under the Veterinary Public Health and public health programs. Students should be able to identify and apply the methods of public health in the Veterinary Public Health program; able to identify possible cooperation between health institutions under society and Veterinary Public Health.
3. KHU 3073 Zoonoses
Module handbook
2/0 KHU 2092

Veterinary Parasitic Disease

KHU 2082

Veterinary Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases

KHU 3083

Veterinary Virology and Viral Diseases

8, 12 KSS CO1: Ability to understand zoonoses classification and the basic principle of zoonoses (etiology, distribution, zoonoses in people, zoonoses in animals, clinical sign, transmission, diagnoses, prevention-treatment-control of zoonoses).
CO2: Ability to make effective communication and cooperation within the teamwork.
4. KHU 3084 Veterinary Immunology


Module handbook

2/0 KHU 3083

Veterinary Virology and Viral Diseases

2, 3, 9 KSS CO1: 1. Able to understand the organs, cells, and components of the immune system, the body’s defense against infection both innate immune responses and adaptive immune responses, humoral immune responses and cellular immune responses, hypersensitivity reactions, autoimmune, immune tolerance, and immunization principles. 2. Able to understand and explain the phenomena of animal body responses related to bacterial infections, viral infections, mycotic infections, allergic reactions and / or hypersensitivity, so as to be able to make diagnostic decisions and clinical action suggestions 3. Able to understand the principles of immunological reactions and antibody-antigen reactions
CO2: Able to perform laboratory examination of immunological reactions based on the principles of agglutination and precipitation reactions, such as neutralization test, HI test and ELISA test.
5. KHU 3104 Fish and Shrimp Diseases


Module handbook

2/1 KHU 2101

Veterinary General Pathology

3, 6, 7, 9 KSS CO1: To know and understand about the alteration of cell and tissue in fish and shrimp caused by infectious/non-infectious agent
CO2: To have capability to analyse the mechanisms of disease processes per system organ in fish and shrimp
CO3: Are able to identify abnormality of cell and tissue per system organ in fish and shrimp
CO4: To have critical attitude to environment issue in the death of animal and are able to take accurately and precise decision, collaborate in the same discipline and multidiscipline.
6. KHU 3053 Veterinary Clinical Diagnosis


Module handbook

2/1 KHU 2042

Veterinary Physiology II

KHU 2101

Veterinary General Pathology

2, 3, 4 KSS CO1: The student understands to do restrain and handling, physical examination, and samples collection on animals.
CO2: The student able to perform skills to do restrain and handling, physical examination, and samples collection on animals.
CO3: The student have intellectual skill and managerial ability to transfer knowledge to others
8. KHU 3054 Extension


Module handbook (EN)

1/0 ——————— 13, 16 BWS LTCS Students should be able to explain the factors that can accelerate the development of animal husbandry in order to deduce the role of education in the development of animal husbandry; able to understand the livestock extension organizations and be able to make a program extension farm / animal health.
9. KHU 3112 Laboratory Animal Science


Module handbook

1/1 KHU 1041  Veterinary Physiology I

KHU 2052 Veterinary Clinical Nutrition

3, 4, 16 KSS PDS CO1: Students are able to understand the biological properties of various laboratory animals for the advancement of science and choose a suitable laboratory animals for research.
CO2: Students are able to manage, breed, feeding and facilities maintenance of the laboratory animals.
CO3: Students are able to handle, taking samples, treated, killed humanely, having appreciation of the maintenance standard laboratory animals and animals walfare application.
10 ONE (1) ELECTIVE SUBJECT COURSE 2/0 According to preconditions
Number of Credits 18


No Code Course Credits Prerequisite Competence* Program Learning Outcome
Primary/Supporting Element
1 KHU 4122 Veterinary Obstetric and Gynaecology


Module handbook

2/1 KHU 2121

Veterinary Reproduction and Reproductive Technology

KHU 3053

Veterinary Clinical Diagnosis

2, 3, 9 KSS CO1: able to explain about physiology of pregnancy, parturition, puerperium, and pregnancy disorder.
CO2: able to perform how to manage obstetrics and gynecology problem
CO3: Students able to choose properly of various treatment, therapy, and prevention of various puerperium disorder.
CO4: Able to conduct a team work to discuss some multidiscipline problems.
2 KHU 4074 Food Hygiene


Module handbook

2/1 KHU 3072

Veterinary Public Health

1, 3, 8, 9, 16 KSS CO1: Able to understand, to explain and to select how to produce food animal origin following Good Manufacturing Practices /GMPs or ASUH (Aman, Sehat, Utuh, Halal in Indonesian), control of safety and quality of food animal origins and their processed products and methods of examination.
CO2: Able to select and apply production methods following Good Manufacturing Practices /GMPs or ASUH (Aman, Sehat, Utuh, Halal in Indonesian), control of safety and quality of food animal origins and their processed products and methods of examination.
CO3: Able to interprete examination result the saftey and quality from food animal origin and their processed products.
CO4: Able to carry out examination methods for food animal origins and their processed products in the laboratory of food hygiene or in other laboratories independently
CO5: Able to work independently or in group, creative, innovative and having entrepreneurship skills; Highly motivated, open minded; Possess a high working spirit, dedication and high commitment, and also can collaborate interdisciplinary and multi disciplinary
3 KHU 4061 Basic Veterinary Surgery


Module handbook

2/1 KHU 1011 Osteology, Arthrology, Myology and Splanchnology

KHU 3033 Pharmacotherapy II and Toxicology

KHU 3111 Veterinary Clinical Pathology


2, 3 KSS CO1: Ability to understand veterinary basic surgery
CO2: Ability to apply practical skills of veterinary basic surgery
CO3: Ability to analyze the knowledge, skills, social and methodological capacities in veterinary basic surgery.
CO4: Ability to have a perceptive attitude to animal welfare problem and act more carefully in keeping aseptic condition during the surgery
4 KHU 4055 Large Animal Internal Medicine


Module handbook


3/1 KHU 2052

Veterinary Clinical Nutrition

KHU 3033 Pharmacotherapy II and Toxicology

KHU 3053

Veterinary Clinical Diagnosis

KHU 3103

Veterinary Necropsy

KHU 3111 Veterinary Clinical Pathology


3, 4, 9, 16 KSS CO1: Able to understand how to identify and determine the problem in large animal disease.
CO2: Able to show perform a skill to examine, collect samples, diagnose and prognose, and treat and nurse the patient of large animal
CO3: Ability to analyze the clinical case of any diseases (diagnose and prognose) and creating medical treatment, preventive, and controling programe
5 KHU 4034 Prescription Writing and Veterinary Pharmacy


Module handbook


1/1 KHU 3033 Pharmacotherapy II and Toxicology 3, 5, 9, 12 KSS CO1: To understand the principles of therapy, the ethics of prescription writing, the legal aspects related to it, and knowledge on drug veterinary management
CO2: To analyse drug interactions in prescription, to perform the skill of prescription writing and to make several forms of veterinary formulary
CO3: Demonstrated and practice the science of prescription writing and to evaluated the complexity of therapy selection, particularly regarding drug classification and drug formulary
CO4: Capable in collaborating work of team/group, have the curiousity and antusiasm to topic of each subject, able to conclude the summary of discussion
6 KHU 4075 Veterinary Legislation
Module handbook
1/0 1, 12 PDS BWS KSS CO1: Able to explain the definitions of law, the principles of veterinary legislation, the scope of veterinary legislation, the development of veterinary legislation, primary and secondary legislation, the order of the rules and regulations in Indonesia, and OIE guidelines on Veterinary Legislation.
CO2: Able to analyse national animal health system by studying Republic of Indonesia Law Number 18 of 2009 concerning Animal Husbandry and Animal Health, Republic of Indonesia Law Number 41 of 2014 concerning Amendment to Law Number 18 of 2009 concerning Animal Husbandry and Animal Health, and Republic of Indonesia Law Number 16 of 1992 concerning Animal, Fish, and Plant Quarantine.
CO3: Able to evaluate national animal health system and veterinary authority by studying Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 82 of 2000 concerning Animal Quarantine, Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 95 of 2012 concerning Veterinary Public Health , Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 47 of 2014 concerning Control and Animal Disease Management, and Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3 of 2017 concerning Veterinary Authority.
CO4: Able to conduct a teamwork to discuss some multidiscipline lectures
7 ONE (1) ELECTIVE SUBJECT COURSE 2/0 According to preconditions
Number of Credits 19



No Code Course Credits Prerequisite Competence* Program Learning Outcome
Primary/Supporting Element
1 KHU 4123 Infertility and Sterility


Module handbook

3/1 KHU 2052

Veterinary Clinical Nutrition

KHU 2081  Veterinary Bacteriology and Micology

KHU 2092  Veterinary Parasitic Disease

KHU  3083

Veterinary Virology and Viral Diseases

KHU 4122

Veterinary Obstetric and Gynaecology

2, 3, 9 KSS CO1: able to explain about the cause of infertility and sterility on domestic and farm animals.
CO2: able to perform how to diagnose infertility and sterility on domestic and farm animals
CO3: Students able to perform properly of various treatment, therapy, and prevention of various infertility and sterility on domestic and farm animals.
CO4: Able to conduct a team work to discuss some multidiscipline problems in infertility and sterility on domestic and farm animals
2 KHU 4062 Specific Veterinary Surgery and Radiology


Module handbook


3/1 KHU  4061

Veterinary Basic Surgery

2, 3, 9 KSS CO1: Ability to understand the principles of veterinary specific surgery and radiology
CO2: Ability to apply practical skills of veterinary specific surgery and radiology
CO3: Ability to analyze the knowledge and skills of veterinary specific surgery and radiology
CO4: Ability to make effective communication and cooperation within the teamwork
3 KHU 4056 Organic Disease of Small Animals


Module handbook


3/1 KHU 2052

Veterinary Clinical Nutrition

KHU 3111

Veterinary Clinical Pathology

KHU 3033 Pharmacotherapy II and Toxicology

KHU 3053

Veterinary Clinical Diagnosis

3, 4, 9, 16 KSS CO1: Able to understand how to identify and determine the problem in small animal disease.
CO2: Able to show perform a skill to examine, collect samples, diagnose and prognose, and treat and nurse the patient of small animal
CO3: Ability to analyze the clinical case of any diseases (diagnose and prognose) and creating medical treatment,preventive, and controling programe.
4 KHU 4101 Poultry Diseases


Module handbook

2/1 KHU 2092

Veterinary Parasitic Disease

KHU 2082

Veterinary Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases

KHU 3083

Veterinary Virology and Viral Diseases

3, 6, 7, 8 KSS CO1: At the end of the course, the students will be able to understand: 1. Important poultry diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, and fungi, 2. Mechanisms of infection, pathogenesis, clinical symptoms, 3. Isolation and identification procedure of viral, bacterial, and mycotic disease agents, 4. Controlling animal diseases caused by virus, bacteria, and fungi.
CO2: At the end of the course, the students could have skill related to poultry diseases: 1. Having skill to diagnose of the poultry diseases. 2. Having skill to obtain sample from the case of poultry diseases and further laboratory work of diagnosis. 3. Having skills to design health control and prevent of poultry diseases.
CO3: At the end of the course, the students would possess these attitude: 1. Having smart attitude, discipline, and honestly in regard of laboratory diagnosis of viral, bacterial, and mycotic poultry diseases, 2. Having a great responsibility and good team work to handle laboratory work related to poultry diseases.
5 KHU 4134 Thesis

Module handbook

4 Min 110 credits, IP > 2,00 1, 17 PDS KSS EWS BWS LTCS CO1: Able to planning, executing and reporting a basic procedure in the experimental design/research to be conducted
CO2: Able to analyze and solve a problem and develop the experimental design/research undertaken.
CO3: Able to use scientific literature correctly
CO4: Able to create and present a scientific research report with effective communication (written, oral, and image)
CO5: Able to implement and integrate the field of study for the course of thesis in Veterinary Medicine and branches
CO6: Able to use communication and information technology effectively
CO7: Able to learn independently and effectively to pursue professional development work
6 TWO (2) ELECTIVE SUBJECT COURSES 4/0 According to preconditions
Number of Credits 22
Student Community Services/KKN

Module handbook

Total amount of Credits 151



No Code Course Credits Prerequisite Competence* Program Learning Outcome
Primary/Supporting Element
1 KHU 3125 Veterinary Reproductive Technology


Module handbook

2/0 KHU 2121

Veterinary Reproduction and Reproductive Technology

2, 3, 9 KSS CO1: able to explain about reproductive technology of cattle (cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and horses), regarding ovulation induction, synchronization, embryo transfer, pregnancy diagnosis technique, gamete micromanulation of an embryo, preservation and cryopreservation of gametes and embryos also artificial insemination.
CO2: able to choose the reproductive technology process of livestock and reproductive techniques so as to improve the reproductive efficiency of livestock
CO3: Students able to apply the concept of reproductive technology and skilled in efforts to improve the reproductive efficiency of livestock.
CO4: Able to conduct a team work to discuss some multidiscipline problems


No Code Course Credits Prerequisite Competence* Program Learning Outcome
Primary/Supporting Element
1 KHU 3135 Poultry Management

Module handbook


2/0 KHU 1051

General Animal Husbandry and Entrepreneurship

KHU 2052

Veterinary Clinical Nutrition

12, 13, 14, 16 Students should be able to understand and recognize the various aspects of poultry management, including seed, feed, reproductive systems, health programs, and systems for product marketing. Also expected to have the ability to make a draft of the chicken farm management, especially from the preparation of health program to the operation of a poultry farm.
2 KHU 3113 Clinical Pathology Cases and Interpretation
Module handbook
2/0 KHU 3111

Veterinary Clinical Pathology

3, 9 KSS BWS CO1: Students are able to present data from clinico-pathology laboratory results which is obtained from various cases of disease in animals.
CO2: Students are able to understand the meaning of the data and its relationship with history and clinical symptoms.
CO3: Students are able to interpret the results of laboratory examinations, history of disease and clinical symptoms to strengthen the diagnosis and consideration of the prognosis of the disease


18 KSS Students should be able to explain the concept of the science of animal behaviour in a variety of activities: eating, throwing dirt / elimination, sexual and non-sexual, maintenance / epimilitic, seek shelter, approaching caregivers (et-epimilitic), opposed, ecological adaptation, and imitative/mimic behaviour.

No Code Course Credits Prerequisite Competence* Program Learning Outcome
Primary/Supporting Element
1 KHU 4075 Small Animal Health Management

Module handbook

2/0 KHU 2052

Veterinary Clinical Nutrition

KHU 3053

Veterinary Clinical Diagnosis

9, 16 KSS Students should be able to perform medical treatment of small animals (dogs and cats), especially to understand the definition and scope of small animals (dogs and cats); understand about dog and cat breeds in the world; understand the terms of the cage and a good feed formulation; understand the various of diseases in dogs and cats; able to use the tools of grooming tand grooming or bathing; able to analyze and synthesis of cases of the disease in dogs and cats and able to make the vaccination program; able to perform analysis and synthesis of the estrus cycle in dogs and cats as well as breeding management.
2. KHU 4043 Animal Behaviour


Module handbook

2/0 4 KSS CO1: students will understand the basic behavior of reproduction, ingestive, natural behavior, searching for safety, ephimilitic, adaptation, parenting, fight – flight response, and biological rhythms in animal
3. KHU 4023 Basic Veterinary Biotechnology


Module handbook

2/0 KHU 1021

Veterinary Biochemistry I

KHU 1022

Veterinary Biochemistry II

3 KSS CO1: Students able to understand the basic concept of life principles and broad biotechnology, biotechnology process and its use in the veterinary field, genetic engineering process, molecular cloning, genetically modified organism and transgenic animals, technology DNA recombinant, proteiomic and recombinant protein, biotechnology products.
CO2: Students able to create collaboration on inter cultural basis, multi courses, and create participatory leadership among student (to improve student soft skills: active listening, and socio-cultural awareness)
4. KHU 4063 Lameness


Module handbook

2/0 KHU 3053

Veterinary Clinical Diagnosis

3 KSS CO1: Ability to understand lameness in horse and cattle.
CO2: Ability to analyze the knowledge, skills, social and methodological capacities lameness in horse and cattle.


No Code Course Credits Prerequisite Competence* Program Learning Outcome
Primary/Supporting Element
1 KHU 4126 Applied Bovine Reproduction
Module handbook
2/0 KHU 2121

Veterinary Reproduction and Reproductive Technology

KHU 4122

Veterinary Obstetric and Gynaecology

KHU 4055

Large Animal Internal Medicine

2, 3, 9 KSS CO1: able to explain about reproductive technology of cattle (cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and horses), regarding ovulation induction, synchronization, embryo transfer, pregnancy diagnosis technique, and artificial insemination.
CO2: able to choose the reproductive technology process of cattle reproductive techniques so as to improve the reproductive efficiency of cattle farm
CO3: Students able to apply the reproductive technology and skilled in efforts to improve the reproductive efficiency of cattle farm.
CO4: Able to conduct a team work to discuss some multidiscipline problems.
2. KHU 4024 Eco Health


Module handbook (EN)

2/0 KHU 1022  Veterinary Biochemistry II

KHU 2071  Epidemiology and Veterinary Economy

KHU 3072  Veterinary Public Health

KHU 3073  Zoonoses

8, 13 KSS CO1: students able to understand the One Health & EcoHealth, Principle, Biodiversity, The role of wild life in Zoonosis, The Diseases of Tomorrow: EID, Soft skills OH/EH, Ecosystem approach, Viral Zoonotic disease, Airborne and waterborne Diseases, OH collaboration, OH knowledge translation/implementation student community services, Participatory leadership, Trans disiplinar approach
CO2: Students able to create collaboration on inter cultural basis, multi courses, and create participatory leadership among student (to improve student soft skills: active listening, and socio-cultural awareness).
3. KHU 4136 Exotic Animals and Wildlife Health Management

Module handbook

2/0 KHU 2092

Veterinary Parasitic Disease

KHU 2082

Veterinary Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases

KHU 3083

Veterinary Virology and Viral Diseases

16 KSS Students should be able to do the managing animal and exotic wildlife especially: to understand the definition and scope of exotic animals and wildlife; understand the terms of cage and a good feed formulation; understand the various diseases of exotic animals and wildlife; know the tools restrain and handling of exotic animals and wildlife; able to do the analysis and synthesis of cases of disease in exotic animals and wildlife and able to make the vaccination program.
4. KHU 4035 Natural veterinary Medicine


Module handbook

2/0 3, 5 KSS CO1: To understand the principles of therapy, the ethics of prescription writing, the legal aspects related to it, and knowledge on drug veterinary management.
CO2: To analyse drug interactions in prescription, To perform the skill of prescription writing and to make several forms of veterinary formulary
CO3: Demonstrated and practice the science of prescription writing and to evaluated the complexity of therapy selection, particularly regarding drug classification and drug formulary.
CO4: Capable in collaborating work of team/group, have the curiousity and antusiasm to topic of each subject, able to conclude the summary of discussion

NOTES: *Competency : look Table 1 (Competency of FKH UGM Graduates/ consist of main competencies and supporting competencies); PDS = Personality Development Subject, KSS = Knowledge and Skill Subject, EWS = Expertise of Work Subject, BWS = Behaviour of Work Subject,  LTCS= Life Together with Community Subject

Veterinarian Profession Education Study Program (VPESP)

No. Co-assistance rotation Cyclus/


Credits Study period
1 Clinical Co-assitance (KOKLI) Small Animals Internal

Module Handbook

1 6 (0/6) 8 weeks
2 Clinical Co-assitance (KOKLI) Large Animals Internal

Module Handbook

1 6 (0/6) 8 weeks
3 Clinical Co-assitance (KOKLI) Surgery and Radiology

Module Handbook

1 6 (0/6) 8 weeks
4 Co-assistance of Public Health and Administrative Agency (KODIN)

Module Handbook

2 6 (0/6) 8 weeks
5 Co-assistance of Reproduction (KOREP)

Module Handbook

2 6 (0/6) 8 weeks
6 Co-assistance of Laboratory Diagnosis (KODIL)

Module Handbook

(integrated done under the coordination of the laboratory of Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Microbiology and Parasitology )

2 8 (0/8) 8 weeks
7 Management of Animal Hospital

Module Handbook

2 2 weeks
Total number of Credits 40 credits/


  50 weeks

(3 semesters)