Department of
Veterinary Public Health



     At the time Faculty of Veterinary Medicine joined the Universitas Gadjah Mada with 5 other faculties on December 19, 1949, the Milk and meat section was already included. With two lecturer staffs (Drs. M. Thayib from Surabaya City Veterinary Service and Drs. Bambang Waroedjoe) this section manages the Milk and Meat courses and guides the doctoral co-existence which was called “Coschaap area”. In the 1960s, there were 2 additional staff members, namely drh. Sunaryo Keman and Drs. Bambang Dwidjo. An assistant, Mandiri, BSc. stated as permanent employee. Another permanent employee is Djasmin, Supardi and Marsudi. Until then, the courses that were held for only Milk and Meat course. Meat lecture material consists of the process of inspection and cutting method of cattle, pigs, and sheep / goats, meat technology and diseases that endanger humans that can be carried by meat. For milk course, it is taught the milking process, milk properties and its examination based on “melk codex 1914”. Conditions for cages and dairy companies are also taught. The meat inspection practice was conducted at the Yogyakarta City’s Animal Husbandry Slaughterhouse (RPH), and milk inspection practice in the same Veterinary Service laboratory. Since 1963 this practice was moved to the laboratory of the Milk and Meat section in Sekip.

     The courses taken up by this section are expanded after drh. Bambang Waroedjoe returned from studying in the United States (US) with M.Sc. degree. He had the opportunity to entertain Dr. Daniel Cohen from FAO / WHO in Geneva, and brought him to give lectures on veterinary public health and zoonoses in the faculty and the Department of Health. From this visit, the Department of Health established a section called the Zoonosis section and in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, the introduction of these new fields resulted in the change of name “Milk and Meat Section” to “Veterinary Public Health Section” (KESMAVET), and added Zoonotic lectures for IV graders.

      Meanwhile, in 1969, Sunaryo Keman and Djasmin officially moved to the Faculty of Animal Sciences UGM, and in 1970 there were additional two new lecturers, namely drh. Sarosa and Drs. Setyawan Budiharta. In 1972 the Veterinary Public Health section had a visit from a Veterinary Public Health expert from the University of Illinois, Prof. Harold S. Bryan as part of the professor’s exchange program under the long program by MUCIA. In addition to skill transfer activities, this visit also “brought” some laboratory equipment and recommended drh. Bambang Waroedjoe, M.Sc. for comparative studies to the US and stimulating staff in the section to continue their further studies in the US under the sponsorship of MUCIA. During drh. Bambang Waroedjoe studies to the US, drh. Soesanto Mangkoewidjojo, M.Sc. acting as section chief official. After returning from a comparative study to the US in 1974, drh. Bambang Waroedjoe, M.Sc. bring the development of epidemiology to Indonesia. At that time, the Directorate of Animal Health under drh. Teken Temaja’s is raging “epidemiological fever”. Veterinary Public Health Section (cq dr. Bambang Waroedjoe, M.Sc) develops the epidemiology course. This course was more developed after drh. Setyawan Budiharta came home from studying at the University of Minnesota with MPH degree in 1976.

     Before drh. Bambang waroedjoe M.Sc. passed away in 1989, the Veterinary Public Service section had another 3 lecturer staffs, namely drh. Bambang Sumiarto (March 1978), drh. Jeanne Indriana Bangun (March 1983) and drh. Yatri Drastini (March 1986). In 1989 drh. Bambang Waroedjoe passed away, leaving a strong foundation for the Veterinary Public Health section to develop itself. After that, the number of lecturer staff increased again with potential personnel, namely drh. Heru Susetya (1990), drh. Dyah Ayu Widiasih (1997), Dr. drh. Doddi Yudhabuntara (1999) and Dr. drh. Widagdo Sri Nugroho (2000). After a long period of being a section under the Dean, in 1982 the Department of Veterinary Public Health was under the Department of Animal Disease and Veterinary Public Health together with the former Microbiology section. Veterinary Public Health divides itself into 2 laboratories, namely the Epidemiology laboratory and the Food Hygiene laboratory, but the togetherness of the staff in it is maintained. In 1995 the Faculty organization changed again, and the Epidemiology and Food Hygiene laboratory has been reunited to become the Department of Veterinary Public Health until present.

      The department’s place of activity also moves in tune with the UGM’s physical development. In 1989, Department of Veterinary Public Health moved from Sekip to the Diagnostic Laboratory Building in Klebengan, and in 2004 enjoyed the magnificent building of assistance from the Overseas Economic Cooperative Funds (OECF) which was later replaced as the Japanese Board of International Cooperation (JBIC).

       There were 2 lecturer staffs who retired in 2003, namely drh. Bambang Dwidjo, MS. and drh. Sarosa, SU. Drh. Bambang Dwidjo passed away in April 2005. Now, the Veterinary Public Health Service is managed by 8 lecturers with different educational systems, which enables complementarity, and develops the best system.

       The courses taught by the Department of Veterinary Public Health are also growing. Staff lecturers lecture in all levels of education, namely Diploma (D3), Bachelor Program (S1), Profession, Master Program (S2) and Doctoral (S3). In the Diploma Program they teach Veterinary Public Health, Veterinary Epidemiology and Field Work Practice (PKL). Undergraduate programs (regular and extension) are given Public Health, Food Hygiene, Epidemiology and Veterinary Economics, Zoonoses and elective health courses and Applied Veterinary Public Health. S2 and S3 courses cover subjects from analytical epidemiology to hygiene aspects of animal origin and technology.

     The development of lecturers and teaching materials is also followed by the development of research and education infrastructure. The Epidemiology and Milk and Meat Health Laboratory is relatively more complete, and has even added residual examinations in these ingredients. In epidemiology, the field of molecular epidemiology has also begun to be explored. Thus, it is expected that in the future, the Department of Veterinary Public Health will be able to anticipate the development of Veterinary Public Health at national and international levels.


The Department of Veterinary Public Health become a respected department and is able to be a connecting facility between the development of Veterinary Science and its application in the community nationally and internationally.


  1. Providing education in the field of Public Health sciences to students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UGM according to the level so they are ready to develop and apply their knowledge for the welfare of the community.
  2. “Manusya mriga satwa sewaka” is the basis for carrying out service activities and empowering the community within the scope of the health of the veterinary community in particular and animal health in general.
  3. Implementing basic and applied research to support education and community service programs within the scope of Veterinary Public Health and population medicine.


  1. Produce graduates who are able to absorb and apply education provided by the Department and able to demonstrate comparative and competitive advantages nationally and internationally.
  2. Provide community service, service and empowerment, especially in matters relating to veterinary public health.
  3. Produce basic and applied research that is able to compete comparatively and competitively at national and international levels.




Featured Research:

1. Anti Microbial Residu and Hormon Residu in Animal Origin Food Products:
2. Epidemiology research on Rabies, Brucellosis, Paratubercullosis, E coli (VTEC)
3. Social and Economic Aspect on Animal Diseases in Indonesia
4. Foodsafety and Halal system

The publications that have been published by the staff of the Department of Veterinary Public Health are as follows:

  1. Dyah Ayu Widiasih, DVM., Ph.D.
  2. Dr. Yatri Drastini, DVM., M.Sc.
  3. Heru Susetya, DVM., M.P., Ph.D.
  4. Dr. Widagdo Sri Nugroho, DVM., M.P.
  5. Maria Theresia Khrisdiana Putri, DVM., M.P., Ph.D.
  6. Dr. Roza Azizah Primatika, S.Si., M.Si.
  7. Setyo Yudhanto, DVM., M.Sc.
  8. Putu Cri Devischa Gallantiswara, DVM., M.Sc.


Dyah Ayu Widiasih, DVM., Ph.D.

Department head


Dr. Yatri Drastini, DVM., M.Sc.

Heru Susetya, DVM., M.P., Ph.D.

Dr. Widagdo Sri Nugroho, DVM., M.P.

Maria Theresia Khrisdiana Putri, DVM., M.P., Ph.D.

Dr. Roza Azizah Primatika, S.Si., M.Si.

Setyo Yudhanto, DVM., M.Sc.

Putu Cri Devisca Gallantiswara, DVM., M.Sc.

Academics Support Staff


Laila Nur Fatimah, A.Md.