Department of
Internal Medicine
At the end of 1951 the department of internal medicine began to form with the establishment of the Animal Polyclinic in the North Plaza in the southwest corner, which at that time was called the medical science section. The Animal Polyclinic was opened on November 19, 1951 and was led by a veterinarian from NIVS namely drh. R. Asung Pranoto as a class I veterinarian employed at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine as a lecturer.
The Department of Internal Medicine has the task: Treatment of animals in a consultative, stationary, and ambultoir manner, giving students the opportunity to learn how to accept the patients to be examined and treated in the Polyclinic, treat and care for animals that are hospitalized. Besides treating at the Polyclinic, department also performed surgery and practice of Midwifery and also worked on horseshoeing.
In 1979 the FKH UGM Animal Clinic in North Plaza moved to Kuningan to occupy a new building, with adequate space and more complete facilities, and adequate vehicles (President’s assistance) so the mobile treatment services were more accessible to wider areas. The Division of Internal Medicine consists of several sub-sections, including Large Animal Internal Medicine, Small Animal Internal Medicine, and Animal Feed Science.
Course code: KHU 1051
Credits: 2/1
Semester: 1 / Odd
Classification: Compulsory
Prerequisite: -
This course will explain several things related to the world of animal husbandry namely livestock and poultry biology, livestock and poultry production, and its environment. The course provides a basic knowledge of the biological characteristics of livestock and poultry, livestock and poultry production processes (including selection and breeding, feeding, maintenance, farming, health, and marketing / livestock economy), and environmental management. The introduction of all aspects of animal husbandry to the students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of UGM is expected to clarify the relevance of veterinary medicine to livestock and poultry business.
Learning objective:
1. Biological characteristics of livestock and poultry (cattle, goats, sheep, horses, pigs and poultry).
2. Livestock and pultry processes (nursery, maintenance, feeding, caging system, reproduction and production, health, marketing).
3. Management of livestock environment.
Module handbook
Coordinator Prof. Dr. Irkham Widiyono, DVM.
Course code: KHU 2052
Credits: 3/1
Semester: 4 / Even
Classification: Compulsory
Prerequisite: KHU 1132 and KHU 2042
Veterinary Clinical Nutrition is a course taught to equip a veterinarian so that they can: (1) Know and understand the function and importance of all the nutrients contained in feed ingredients to meet the everyday nutritional needs of every stage of life of various animal and livestock species. Taught (poultry, pets, ruminants, and nonruminants); (2) Prepare balanced rations for livestock and pets and (3) Increase understanding of nutritional applications as supportive therapy for sick livestock and pets to meet competency standards for Indonesian veterinarians based on the stipulations of the Veterinary Professional Education Council (MP2KH) and the Indonesian Veterinary Association No 01/MP2KH/PDHI/2009 point 5e.
Module handbook
Coordinator Prof. Hastari Wuryastuti, DVM., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Course code: KHU 3053
Credits: 2/1
Semester: 6 / Even
Classification: Compulsory
Prerequisite: KHU 2042 and KHU 2101
The Veterinary Clinical Diagnostics course is one of the compulsory subjects for undergraduate students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Clinical Diagnosis is a science and an art that studies the correct procedures for examining patients (animals) (lege artis) to determine diagnoses in treating/handling patients. This course teaches the method for examining patients in lege artisans, starting from the signaling-anamnesis, complete physical examination, and collecting samples for laboratory examination. To complete students' understanding of the theory of Diagnosis taught in lectures, students must participate in clinical study practicum activities on patients (animals) in lege artis until a diagnosis is determined. By presenting this course, it is hoped that the Vision and Mission of the Veterinary Study Program can be achieved and produce graduates who meet the competency standards of Indonesian veterinarians.
Module handbook
Coordinator Prof. Dr. Soedarmanto Indarjulianto, DVM.
Course code: KHU 4055
Credits: 3/1
Semester: 7 / Odd
Classification: Compulsory
Prerequisite: KHU 2052, KHU 3033, KHU 3053, KHU 3103 and KHU 3111
This compulsory course aims to provide critical competency knowledge and skills for Veterinary Medicine students. This course discusses various organic diseases of large animals, which include etiology, pathogenesis, clinical symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis, therapy, and management. This course is held in face-to-face (lecture) methods, class discussions, group discussions (FGD), and practicum are integral parts of this course. Assessment is based on quizzes, Midterm Exam, Final Exam, and training results.
Module handbook
Coordinator Prof. Dr. Ida Tjahajati, DVM., M.P.
Course code: KHU 4056
Credits: 3/1
Semester: 8 / Even
Classification: Compulsory
Prerequisite: KHU 2052, KHU 3033, KHU 3053 and KHU 3111
The course on Small Animal Organic Diseases is one of the compulsory subjects for undergraduate students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Gadjah Mada University. This course is held in even-numbered semesters and can be taken by students in the 8th semester. This course teaches about various organ diseases in small animals and their etiology, introduction to clinical symptoms, to procedures for treatment, management, and prevention. Disease recognition is grouped based on organ systems, digestive system disorders, respiratory system disorders, circulatory system disorders, reproductive and uropoetic system disorders, locomotion disorders, nervous disorders, metabolic/hormonal disorders, and skin, eye, and ear disorders. To complete students' understanding of organ diseases taught in lectures, students must participate in clinical examination practicum activities on small animals in lege artisan ways to determine diagnoses and treatment plans in dog and cat patients as well as drug therapy applications and monitoring of treatment results. By presenting this course, it is hoped that the Vision and Mission of the Veterinary Study Program can be achieved and produce graduates who meet the competency standards of Indonesian veterinarians.
Module handbook
Coordinator Prof. Dr. Ida Tjahajati, DVM., M.P.
Course code: KHU 4057
Credits: 2/0
Semester: 7 / Odd
Classification: Elective
Prerequisite: KHU 2052 and KHU 3053
The Small Animal Health Management course is a relatively new subject for the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Gadjah Mada University. This course begins in the odd 2004/2005 school year semester. The Small Animal Health Management course, which is an elective course, is a step forward for the faculty to bring prospective veterinary students closer to the choice of profession by the Indonesian Veterinary Competency Standards based on the Decree of the Veterinary Professional Education Council (MP2KH) No. 01/MP2KH/PDHI/V/2009 which PB PDHI has stipulated as a guideline for the implementation of Veterinary Education. Until now, veterinary patients are still dominated by small animals (dogs and cats). The short mentoring period is one of the reasons for holding this course, where student learning material about dogs and cats is relatively tiny. In this course, students are invited to get closer to the world of dogs and cats, starting with species introduction, seed management, kennel management, maintenance and care and management, reproduction, and disease in small animals (dogs and cats). With this course, it is hoped that the Vision and Mission of the Veterinary Study Program can be achieved and produce graduates who meet the competency standards of Indonesian veterinarians.
Module handbook
Coordinator Dr. Slamet Raharjo, DVM., M.P.
Feature Research:
- Muscadomestica as a biological vector for Avian influenza.
- Pathogenesis of atherosclerosis in experimental animals.
- Study of Toxoplasmosis.
- Study of Tuberculosis.
- Study of exotic/wild animals.
- Study of clinical parameters of young animals.
- Study of mastitis in dogs, goats and cattle.
- Study of skin diseases in animals.
The publications that have been published by the staff of the Department of Internal Medicine are as follows:
- Dr. Irkham Widiyono, DVM., M.P.
- Prof. Hastari Wuryastuti, DVM., M.Sc., Ph.D
- Prof. Dr. Ida Tjahajati, DVM., M.P.
- Dr. Soedarmanto Indarjulianto, DVM., M.P.
- Dr. Yanuartono, DVM., M.P.
- Dr. Guntari Titik Mulyani, DVM., M.P.
- Hary Purnamaningsih, DVM., M.P.
- Dr. Slamet Raharjo, DVM., M.P.
- Alfarisa Nururrozi, DVM., M.Sc.
- Dwi Sunu Datrianto, DVM., M.Sc.
- Dr. Alsi Dara Paryuni, DVM.