Department of Microbiology


The Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada, since the establishment of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada has been managed independently as a Microbiology section, which manages courses: Microbiology I (4 credits), Microbiology II (4 credits), Bacterial Diseases ( 4 credits), Viral Disease (4 credits), and Laboratory Diagnosis Co-assistention (4 credits). The Microbiology section seems to have an inseparable functions and tasks from the Department of Veterinary Public Health, so in its development the two departments were merged into one Department with the name of the Department of Animal Disease and Veterinary Community Health.

Along with the development of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UGM, and to optimizing the role of each department further, the Department was being separated again into the Department of Microbiology and the Department of Veterinary Public Health. Since then, the Department of Microbiology has managed several subjects namely General Mycology Bacteriology (3 credits), Fungal and Bacterial Disease (3 credits), Virology and Viral Diseases (4 credits), Immunology (2 credits) and Laboratory Diagnosis Co-ass. Starting in 1988 the Department of Microbiology served as coordinator for the Poultry Sciences course (3 credits) which was taught by lecturers from the Department of Microbiology, Pathology Department and the Department of Parasitology. To provide opportunities for students to obtain special skills, the Department of Microbiology offers elective courses namely Applied Microbiology (2 credits) starting in 1991 and Aquatic Microbiology (2 credits) starting in 2004.

Microbiology lecturers in addition to the subject in the S1-Regular Program, also lectures the D-3 Microbiology course (5 credits) since 1995 and lectures all courses in the Microbiology Department for the S1-Self-help (Swadaya) Program since 2002.

The Microbiology Department is managed by 6 permanent lecturers, 2 technicians, 1 administration staff and 1 laboratory assistant. Currently the Department of Microbiology has 2 practice rooms (old and new buildings) with a capacity of 50 students each practice. The Department of Microbiology also provides community services for various sample examinations (serological, molecular, isolation and identification of bacteria and certain viruses), as well as providing research facilities for researchers from both inside and outside the UGM Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.


  1. Faculty of Dentistry, UGM
  2. Laboratorium of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, UGm
  3. Faculty of Biology, UGM
  4. Faculty of Pharmacy, UGM
  5. Pusat Antar Universitas (PAU) UGM
  6. Faculty of Pharmacy, UMS, Surakarta
  7. Faculty of Pharmacy, UII, Yogyakarta
  8. Faculty of Pharmacy, UAD, Yogyakarta
  9. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine IPB, Unair, and Udayana
  10. Apeka Karanganyar
  11. State Agriculture High School (STP) Malang

Government Institution:

  1. Department of Agriculture, Director General of Livestock Indonesia
  2. Fish quarantine station
  3. Animal Quarantine Station
  4. Menkokesra, RI
  5. Indonesian Science Institute, Research Station, Gading, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta (UPT – BPPTK – LIPI, Gading, Gunung Kidul)
  6. Ministry of State and Environment (KLH)
  7. Department of Health, RI


  1. Multibreeder Adirama Indonesia, Surabaya
  2. Agrinusa Unggas Jaya, Jakarta
  3. Indofarma , Jakarta
  4. Medion, Bandung


  1. Robert Koch Institute Germany
  2. Food and Agriculture Organization
  3. HKDNA CHIPS – Hongkong
  4. National Institute of Animal Industry, Japan
  5. Animal Health Antigen




Featured Research

  1. Isolation, Identification and analysis Short Interspersed Nuclear Element(SINE) from Varanus komodoensis.
  2. Construction of DNA Vaccine Against Hemorrhagic Septicemia.
  3. Molecular Analysis of Pathogenic Factor of Pasteurella multocida.
  4. Molecular Detection of Avian Influenza Virus from Various Species of Poultry in Indonesia.
  5. Molecular Analysis of Receptor Binding Site of some Avian Influenza Virus of Indonesian Isolates.
  6. Molecular Analysis of PB2 and NS1 Genes of Avian Influenza Virus of Indonesian Isolates.
  7. Molecular Study on The Pathogenicity of Avian Influenza Virus.

From these studies, the staff of the Microbiology Department have published several publications as follows:

  1. Prof. Dr. AETH. Wahyuni, DVM., M.Si.
  2. Prof. Widya Asmara, DVM., SU., Ph.D.
  3. Prof. Dr. Tri Untari, DVM., M.Si.
  4. Prof. Dr. Michael Haryadi Wibowo, DVM., M.P.
  5. Sidna Artanto, DVM., M. Biotech
  6. Marla Anggita, DVM., M.Sc.
  7. Okti Herawati, DVM., M.Sc.


Prof. Dr. AETH. Wahyuni, DVM., M.Si.

Department head


Prof. Widya Asmara, DVM., S.U., Ph.D.

Prof. Dr. Tri Untari, DVM., M.Si.

Prof. Dr. Michael Haryadi Wibowo, DVM., M.P.

Sidna Artanto, DVM., M.Biotech

Marla Anggita, DVM., M.Sc.

Okti Herawati, DVM., M.Sc.

Academics Support Staff


Sri Hartini, S.Sos.