The Urgency of Veterinary Statutory Body in Indonesia



National Seminar of Veterinary Statutory Body (VSB) was hels on 4th May 2023, at drh. Nugroho Animal Center 2 (Kalipancur Central Park), Ngaliyan, Semarang, Central Java. The seminar was conducted in order to strengthening the national animal health system in Indonesia. The seminar was done in hybrid, with 4 speakers:

  1. Nuryani Zainuddin, DVM., M.Si. (Director of Animal Health, Directorate General of Animal Husbandry and Health, Ministry of Agriculture Republic of Indonesia) represented by Irpansyah Batubara, DVM., M.Si.;
  2. Teguh Budipitojo, DVM., M.P., Ph.D. (Chief of Indonesian Association of Veterinary Medicine Faculty);
  3. Muhammad Munawaroh, DVM., M.M. (Chief of Indonesian Veterinary Medical Asscociation); represented by Tri Satya Putri Naipospos, DVM., M.Phil., Ph.D.
  4. H. Rahmat Shah (Chief of Association of Indonesian Zoos) represented by M. Piter Kombo, DVM.

The event was started with the opening remarks by Dr. Nuryani Zainuddin, DVM., M.Si., the CEO of PT. Eka Farma, Mr. Eko Nugroho, MBA., and the Vice Chancellor of Research, Business Development and Cooperation Mr. Ignatius Susatyo Wijoyo, M.M.

From the national seminar, it was concluded that the Veterinary Statutory Body (VSB), which is an independent national veterinary institution, is responsible for supervising the quality and professional behavior of veterinarians. It is very important to form a regulator from producers (Veterinary Education Establishment in this case AFKHI and APSTVI), promoters (Veterinary Professional Associations, such as PDHI, PAVETI, and PARAVETINDO), and users (Veterinary Services, namely MOA, KLHK, KKP, and the private sector). The Veterinary Statutory Body is responsible for determining veterinary competency standards, veterinary practice standards and ensuring that these practices comply with applicable laws and regulations, reduce risks to publichealth, and protect animal welfare.


Author: Alvin