

In the middle of February 2019, the Directorate of Student Affairs UGM through the Student Creativity Sub-Directorate UGM held the PKM League 2019. This activity was the first to be held. The UGM PKM League aims to capture good PKM proposals from the start to be submitted for PKM funding in 2020. The PIKO is the driving force of the FVM students in compiling and sending quality PKM proposals. Team led by drh. Anggi Muhtar Pratama, M.Sc. along with several students have succeeded in helping students so that FVM was able to send 22 proposals in a very short time, this number was the third largest after the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences and Vocational School. But based on the results of an evaluation by UGM reviewers, the number of proposals from FVM students who received incentives was 21 proposals. This number is the highest among other faculties at UGM. This achievement is certainly very encouraging for the achievements of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine students. Found in a separate place, Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs FVM UGM drh. Agung Budiyanto, M.P., Ph.D also appreciated this achievement and hoped that this achievement could be improved in the following years. Of course this achievement cannot be separated from the support of FVM UGM in preparing quality PKM proposals through the PIKO. On February 28, 2019, PKM League socialization was held and followed by mentoring the preparation of proposals from February 28 to March 15, 2019 at the Coworking Space FVM UGM.

Total of 21 of these proposals will receive incentives of IDR 800,000 per proposal. This incentive is expected to be a stimulus and encourage students to be more creative in pouring ideas into PKM activities. For teams that have received incentives, they are required to upload the PKM proposal at the time of submission during the submission of PKM funding in 2020. Nevertheless, PIKO will continue to increase the number of PKM proposals uploaded to the Simbelmawa course, so that more FVM UGM students can again who received PKM grants from Ristekdikti in 2020.