Third AJIVE international symposium in 2019 held in Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Airlangga University, Surabaya. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada send a delegation to participate in this event. Prof. Isrina, dean of FVM UGM leads this delegation which consist some speakers involve lecturer, bachelor and master degree students. Delegation of FVM UGM presented about 16 articles in this symposium. They presented their research result and share experiences to other participants. Variety topics presented in this symposium such as development of agents diagnostic tools, therapeutic improvement for some diseases, disease epidemiology, pathology, and other interested topics.
This symposium as a collaboration between Japan Veterinary School Association and Indonesia Veterinary School Association to improve mutual relationship among them. Both of the faculties also develop university to university collaboration in some research projects or community services programs. Yamaguchi University has a collaboration project with FVM UGM to improve Local Beef Cattle in Gunung Kidul start in this year (2019), supported by JICA grant. This is an fruitful collaboration in AJIVE beside regular international symposium.