The Final Semester Examination (UAS) for Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) UGM starts on Monday, December 2nd to Friday, December 13th 2024. Therefore, in order to support students who are focused on facing their finals, Faculty provides free breakfast for all participants who took the exam at 07.15. A total of 1,042 portions are provided during the finals. The breakfast given is expected to provide balanced nutrition, namely rice as carbohydrates, side dishes as protein, vegetables as fiber and vitamins, and fruit. This is done to ensure that students have sufficient energy and are able to concentrate to face their final exams and do not have any difficulties finding breakfast outside the campus. (SDG 2: Zero Hunger). Moreover, as we realized that the exam is carried out on December, where the weather is getting colder and the rainy season is in its highest peak, students are more prone to get a cold or fever. The breakfast works as an effort to prevent the sickness. (SDG 3: Health and Well-being)
Positive responses came from students who were greatly helped by the free breakfast when completing exams. They also praised that the food provided was delicious and that they no longer needed to think about breakfast after the exam. Apart from that, some students also said that free breakfast also helped them focus on studying the material for the next exam.
During the exam period and getting breakfast, students are encouraged to bring their own cutlery and drinking bottles. This appeal aims to reduce plastic waste that comes from when they eat breakfast, such as plastic spoons and glass mineral water (SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production).
This year’s final exam, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UGM also tightened the rules for exam participants. Rules and regulations are promoted in order to create honest exams, cheating-less environment, and increase student enthusiasm to study harder so as to obtain satisfactory results. This is also supported by holding training for educational staff who serve as supervisors on Friday, November 29 2024 so that the Final exam for Odd Semester 2024/2025 can run in an orderly and conducive manner (SDG 4: Quality Education)
Author: Yanis Ramadhanti, S.Pt & Dea D. N. S.Pd