Pelatihan dan Pendidikan Dasar (LANDIKSAR) is a series of activities carried out annually by the Department of Human Resource Development (PSDM) to implement the Tri Dharmaof higher education, especially in education and teaching, strengthening the relationship between PC IMAKAHI UGM staff and participants, and improving soft skills, especially self-management and future planning. In addition, this activity also aims to introduce pre-professional veterinary organizations at the university, national, and international levels and prepare leadership cadres for prospective new IMAKAHI UGM branch administrators. LANDIKSAR IMAKAHI UGM was held on Saturday, November 2, 2024 and Sunday, November 3, 2024 at Omah Camelia, Kaliurang, DIY. This activity was attended by 52 participants of Calon Pengurus Cabang of the Indonesian Veterinary Student Association, Gadjah Mada University (CPC IMAKAHI UGM). This year, LANDIKSAR raised the main theme “Innovation, Creativity, and Inclusive Engagement to Build a Dynamic Community in IMAKAHI” as a provision for CPC in the future during the process and development in IMAKAHI. This theme was chosen so that CPC can radiate and develop new ideas that describe its character, think out of the box, dare to take opportunities with any risk, and actively participate in the community to create a fair, respectful, and supportive environment for all individuals regardless of background. Not only for Calon Pengurus Cabang, during the process of preparing for this LANDIKSAR activity, Pengurus Cabang is also expected to apply the essence and meaning of the LANDIKSAR 2024 theme first. This is done so that Pengurus Cabang can be an example or role model in working together and organizing for prospective branch administrators.
The activity began with a presentation of material by Muhammad Ihsan Arifin Soepeno who is the Ketua Umum Pengurus Besar IMAKAHI for the 2024/2025 Period. Mister Muhammad Arifin Soepeno raised “Developing Member Skills and Capabilities” as a basis for CPC to position itself as a member of IMAKAHI. Then, the first material session was closed with a question-and-answer session, a group photo with the speaker, and ice breaking. Entering the next session, the second material was presented by Mister Ridho Rohman, S.K.H. who is the Penanggung Jawab Pengurus Cabang IMAKAHI for the 2022/2023 Period who raised the topic of “Inclusive Involvement in the Organizational Community” as the application of the first topic material within the scope of the organization. The second session ended with a question-and-answer session, a group photo, and a quiz. The end of the first day’s session was closed with an art performance from CPC in the form of a musical drama from each group with a different theme.
The second day started at 07.00 which began with breakfast and continued with an outbound session including flour relay, water volleyball, chopstick ball, and sedotan monyong. This outbound is not just a game but has important meanings that can be taken such as fostering cooperation, trust between members, problem-solving, initiative, and coordination within the team. Before entering the final session of the entire series of events, namely joint documentation, CPC was given an award to appreciate the hard work done during the LANDIKSAR series.
The entire LANDIKSAR series is related to the 4th SDGs point, namely Quality Education and, the 16th SDGs, namely Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions. Through the LANDIKSAR 2024 activity, it is hoped that it can increase high integrity and commitment, dynamics between fellow members and the Branch Managers and alumni of IMAKAHI UGM, have knowledge and understanding of IMAKAHI, and receive soft skills and character development materials to become branch managers in the future.
Photos by Ivoni Naila Hani