The Non-Ruminant Care Day (NCD) 2024 event began at 1.00 PM. It started with singing Indonesia Raya and the Gadjah Mada Hymn. After that, there were opening remarks from the chief executive and chairman HSTP 2024/2025. Furthermore, the main event is an explanation of material related to parasitic diseases in the digestive tract of non-ruminant animals such as pigs, horses, and rabbits. The NCD 2024 event invited a very cool and great speaker, namely drh. Vika Ichsania Ninditya, a young lecturer at the Department of Parasitology Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) UGM. Finally, a hands-on session was held with the assistant of the Parasitology laboratory of FVM UGM.
The first session was a presentation of material delivered by drh. Vika Ichsania Ninditya. She presented material related to parasitic diseases that can infect pigs, horses, and rabbits, the clinical symptoms of each parasite, and the treatment of infected animals. In the second session, there was a discussion session with the doctors, the handing over of plaques to the speakers and ice breaking. Next, there was a hands-on session with the assistant of the Parasitology laboratory of FVM UGM, the assistant demonstrated how to open or necropsy the digestive tract in rabbits. In addition, it is explained how to observe the presence of worms in the intestines of rabbits if they are not present by scraping the intestinal mucosa in aquades using a knife on a scalpel. After that, it is waited until the mucosa settles and the aquades are discarded. Finally, it is poured into a sterile petri dish and observed under a microscope. The next session was the observation of parasites in the feces of non-ruminant animals. During the hands-on, the participants were given worksheets to fill in the observations obtained. Once completed, the worksheets are collected to the event committee.
After the activity is over, it is continued by cleaning the area used for activities and group photo sessions. The implementation of NCD 2024 activities is expected to increase participants’ knowledge related to gastrointestinal parasitic diseases of non-ruminant animals, how to observe parasites in gastrointestinal, and add insight related to the treatment of clinical symptoms of infectious parasites. In addition, the 2024 NCD activity is the main provision for veterinary students so that in the future when they encounter the world of professional veterinarians, they can practice the knowledge gained in life and the surrounding environment.
The Nonruminants Care Day event which took place on Sunday, September 8, 2024 supports the SGD (Sustainable Development Goals) values at points 3 and 4, namely Good Health and Welfare by controlling parasitic diseases in non-ruminant animals, Quality Education by providing education and knowledge about the world of veterinary medicine.