Delegation is an activity held by Aksi Masyrakat Departemen of Pet Study Group (KSHK) Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UGM which aims to establish relationships with pet animal groups at other universities and also increase the knowledge of KSHK’s members who become the delegation representatives. This year, KSHK members visited Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Brawijaya University.
The first Delegation in 2024 was carried out by Kelompok Pet Animal (KEPETA) Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Universitas Brawijaya on Saturday, June 1st 2024. The event included the Expert Lecture (Kuliah Pakar) about “Pet Emergency & First Aid”. The speaker was drh. Yulinar Risky Karaman, M. Biomed who is a practicioner doctor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Universitas Brawijaya, Academic Animal Hospital.
The Expert Lecture began with a presentation by the speaker, followed by a question and answer session from the participants. In addition, Expert Lecture is also filled with group hands-on sessions that will be accompanied by an experienced committee. The committee members provided an explanation regarding how to bandage and perform CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) on a dummy. After the hands-on session, there was a hands-on demo for three participants. Then, it continued with a quiz that has been provided regarding the material previously presented and will receive prizes for participants with the best scores.
It is hoped that the activities of the Delegation who visited this Lecture Expert will help students understand triage for pet animals, provide first aid for animals, improve skills in handling emergencies, and answer questions that are not found in the daily lecture, especially regarding the handling of emergency diseases in pet animals.
Contributor: Esther Margaret Taniaga and Nasywa Humaira Mustofa