Pioneer Vetebrae 2024 Day 2: Sharing Session with the Famous Fish Vet drh. Citan



drh. Citantyaning Kirana or known as Doctor Citan, is a social media sweetheart who is actively sharing her daily life as a veterinarian who focuses on fisheries care. As an alumni of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Doctor Citan attended the Pioneer Vetebrae activity to share her experiences through a Fun Group Discussion as a practitioner in the Clinical and Pet Animal, especially in the aquatic world. Apart from that, the Young Soeparwi also discussed with several speakers including Prof. Dr. drh. Agnesia Endang Tri Hastuti Wahyuni, M. Si., drh. Irna Irhamna Putri R., M.Sc, drh. Sintong HMT Hutasoit, M.Si., Dr. drh. Dwi Priyowidodo, M.P., drh. Prama, Dr. drh. Muhammad Munawaroh, M.M., to share experiences regarding the role of veterinarians in various fields in society.

Previously, the Young Soeparwi also participated in a talk show entitled “A Day in A one Stop VetStud’s Carousel” revolving the lives of outstanding students and descriptions of activities at FVM UGM and “Pawsivitely Inspiring On How to Catch Your Dreams!” regarding motivation and inspiration sessions in pursuing a career as a veterinarian in the future with Drh. Joko Suseno, Owner of Jose Vet Clinic and Mr. Eko Nugroho as Policy Analysis for Rural and Livestock Development and guided by drh. Mungky Ema Ramadhani, M.Sc. Enthusiasm shone on the faces of the young Soeparwi as they absorbed the materials.

Pioneer Vetebrae’s activities are in line with supporting SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) values ​​at SDG 4: Quality Education, SDG 14: Life Below Water, SDG 15: Life on Land. Through Pioneer Vetebrae activities, Young Soeparwi can get an initial introduction to the world of college, thereby providing an initial overview of college activities and interacting with each other.


Author: Yanis Ramadhanti