

Veterinary Pecinta Alam Gadjah Mada (VETPAGAMA) Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) UGM has successfully conducted the Semoet Dolan 2024 event. Semoet Dolan is an activity aimed at upgrading members, intended to strengthen internal relationships and serve as a platform for Vetpagama members to engage in nature-loving activities such as camping and outbound activities. Semoet Dolan is a new program starting this year which was held on June 14th and 15th, 2024, at Bukit Klangon, Kalitengah Lor, Glagaharjo, Cangkringan, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta, involving a total of 12 members.

The event started at 19:00 with a communal cooking session, followed by games, sharing sessions, and bonding activities. The second day began with an outbound session along the trails of Bukit Klangon in the morning. These activities aim to introduce habitat to the area and make new members responsible and take part in nature conservation.

Even though the event was quite busy and required a lot of preparation, participant Semoet Dolan ensured that no rubbish was left behind. During the communal cooking process, the materials used are recycle-able and ensures that there is no fire that can damage the surrounding habitat.

Our hope through this event is to raise awareness about the environmental degradation prevalent in Indonesia and foster a love for nature among all participants. Thus, this activity contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, specifically Goal 4 on Climate Action and Goal 15 on Life on Land.

Salam lestari!

Writer: Qolbii Annisa M. G. and Ardelia Kirana A.

Photo Credit: Ardelia Kirana A.