Worship and Easter Celebration of PMK FKH UGM 2024



The Worship and Easter Celebration event is an annual activity organized at Gadjah Mada University. In 2024, the Christian Students Fellowship of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science (PMK FKH UGM) also held the Worship and Easter Celebration event. This year’s event took place on April 20, 2024, from 5:00 PM to 8:10 PM local time at the Grha Pembinaan Iman Kristen UGM, with a total of 88 participants including committee members, alumni, professors, and members of PMK FKH UGM, as well as members of other faculties’ PMKs at UGM, all joining to enliven the occasion.

The Worship and Easter Celebration of PMK FKH UGM 2024 adopted the theme “BloominG” based on 2 Corinthians 5:17 which states, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”

The series of events began with a session of praise, followed by a brief drama performance, and then a sermon session by Pastor Stefanus Agus based on 2 Corinthians 5:17. Through the sermon, attendees were reminded that human life, once marred by sin, has now been restored and renewed since accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior. Pastor Stefanus Agus also conveyed an Easter message urging to forget and bury the old self, and to live in a new life, blooming like flowers in spring, clinging to God, meditating on His Word day and night, prioritizing Him in all aspects, and aligning our lives with Him.

After the sermon session concluded, another brief drama was presented followed by offerings and documentation. This was followed by speeches from the chairperson of the Worship and Easter Celebration committee of PMK FKH UGM 2024, the chairperson of PMK FKH UGM, and Dr. drh. Dwi Priyowidodo, M.P., the PMK FKH advisor. Subsequently, a game session was held where participants searched for 18 Easter eggs, followed by games like “grab the glass” and “ants and elephants” to determine winners. Prizes were distributed to the winners, and the event concluded with a closing prayer.

Thanks to the cooperation and hard work of the committee and all parties involved, the Worship and Easter Celebration of PMK FKH UGM 2024 was successfully conducted. This activity is expected to foster warmth and strengthen the sense of family among PMK FKH UGM members and other faculties’ PMKs at UGM, bring joy to all participants, and constantly remind everyone of the immense love of God and His ever-open arms to welcome anyone who comes to Him.