Raising Public Awareness for Healthy and Disease-Free Sacrificial Animals from a Medical and Fiqh Perspective in Kebumen Regency, Central java, Indonesia



Friday, 7 June 2024. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Undergraduate Study Program UGM is holding a community service that focuses on the health of sacrificial animals following the Eid al-Adha celebration which will be held on 16 – 17 June 2024.

On this occasion, the main focus raised was to raise awareness of the people of Kebumen, especially Mirit District, regarding selecting sacrificial animals that are healthy and free from disease from a medical and fiqh perspective. The presentation of the material was carried out by the head of the Veterinary Public Health department, FVM UGM, drh. Dyah Ayu Widiasih, Ph.D and drh. Agung Budiyanto, M.P., Ph.D, deputy dean for Academic and Student Affairs UGM. Each speaker delivered material regarding the characteristics of healthy animals, recognizing diseases that might infect sacrificial animals, and proper and correct procedures and processing of sacrificial animals. Special attention is required in terms of cleanliness of the place and animal slaughtering equipment.This is a form of realization of SDG 15 Life on Land.

This Community Service is an effort to increase access to education for the people of Mirit, Kebumen Regency, Central Java, in accordance with SDG 4 Quality of Education. Slaughtering sacrifices is an inseparable part of the Eid al-Adha celebration for Muslims. This tradition is always carried out every year. However, if it is not carried out in accordance with applicable medical procedures, there is a risk of causing the spread of infectious animal diseases or epidemics.

The slogan chosen was FVM UGM and the Department of Agriculture and Food Service of Kebumen Regency Together Against Anthrax, Foot and Mouth Disease, and Lumpy Skin Disease. This is the second time that FVM UGM Undergraduate Study Program has carried out community service in Mirit Regency. This is a form of commitment to carrying out sustainable education for the realization of healthy food consumption and in accordance with religious values (SDG 2  Zero Hunger). Furthermore, the collaboration between FVM UGM and Food and Agriculture Department Kebumen Regency is a manifestation of civil society partnership in accordance with SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals.

It is hoped that the activities participated in by the community and livestock breeders around Mirit, Kebumen Regency will make a significant contribution to efforts to control animal disease outbreaks which are very detrimental to the community.