Sleman, May 12, 2024 – Implementation of KKN-PPM UGM Period II is getting closer, to prepare it, has been carried out KKN Basic Training held by the Department of Social Society BEM FKH UGM in the Auditorium and UP2KH FKHUGM by organizing the theme “Get Ready to Explore KKN”. The activities are divided into several sessions consisting of material provision, talkshows, and live practice on the medical check up on cattle.

The first session began with the provision by Prof. Dr. Soedarmanto Indarjulianto with the material entitled “Peny (Matican) on Ternak: As Approaches to Making a Real Working Curriculum” which contains tips-tips in preparing a KKN work programme that correlates with the science of veterinary medicine. Then, continued with talkshow activities about the experience in implementing KKN with Nicolaus Januar Sugianto and Azzura Alika Princess guided by the moderator.

The event ended with a practical session on a general examination that included health checks, vitamin injections, and the administration of worm medication directly to cattle and goats, accompanied by the Veterinary Clinical Diagnosis Laboratory Assistant to prepare students in the application of veterinary science to the community in the College of Real Work.

KKN Basic Training 2024 is correlated with several points of the Sustainable Development Goals, namely in support of the goal toward quality education in the form of increased capacity of participants with form of training directly related to veterinary science to students. In addition, it also supports the objective of land-based ecosystem care in the form of conservation in order to maintain the survival of ecosystems that focus on livestock. Thus, the implementation of KKN Basic Training 2024 has its own urgency as it proves that these activities can have a real impact in sustainable development.