World Veterinary Day 2024: “Veterinary Statutory Body: Is it necessary?”



World Veterinary Day 2024 is a series of activities organized by the Student Associations of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Universitas Gadjah Mada to commemorate world veterinary day every year. In 2024, World Veterinary Day focusing on “Veterinary Statutory Body” issue, featuring various activities such as webinar, essay competitions, poster competitions, air campaigns, and internal campaigns.

The event started with the registration opening for the essay and poster competitions, with winners announced on May 26, 2024, alongside the webinar. The essay competition focused on the theme “VSB as the Pillar of Competencies and Professional Behavior of Veterinarians,” open to the general public, while the poster competition focused on “The Importance of Veterinarians as Healthcare Professionals” for students.

An internal campaign was then conducted by committee members within the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at UGM from May 20-22, 2024. This campaign aimed to educate students about the importance of the Veterinary Statutory Body in Indonesia through interactive games, with prizes such as stickers and keychains featuring the World Veterinary Day 2024 logo.

The highlight of World Veterinary Day 2024 was a webinar held on May 26, 2024, titled “Veterinary Statutory Body: Is It Necessary?“. The webinar featured presentations by Prof. Dr. drh. Ida Tjahajati, M.P, discussing the importance of the Veterinary Statutory Body for veterinarians and veterinary paraprofessionals, and by drh. Bonifasius Suli Teruli, discussing its importance for the quality of higher education institutions in Indonesia. Through these presentations and Q&A sessions, participants gained a deeper understanding of the significance of the Veterinary Statutory Body in Indonesia.

The event concluded with an air campaign from May 27-31, 2024, consisting of the outspread of information and education through infographics shared on social media by volunteers who had participated in the World Veterinary Day webinar. This campaign aimed to raise public awareness about the progress and importance of the Veterinary Statutory Body while also promoting the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Universitas Gadjah Mada and fostering relationships among volunteers.

This event aligns with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 4: Quality Education and SDGs 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. Through World Veterinary Day 2024, education was provided, and it is hoped that the standardization of veterinary education in Indonesia can be achieved with the establishment of a Veterinary Statutory Body. Additionally, the presence of VSB is expected to strengthen the veterinary community and contribute to the advancement of Indonesia.

Despite encountering several challenges during its preparation, this event was considered successful and smoothly executed. Thanks to the support and cooperation from various parties, the World Veterinary Day 2024 activities were carried out effectively without significant problem.