

Bonding and Upgrading Kelompok Studi Hewan Kesayangan (KSHK) of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada 2024 is an annual KSHK activity which this year is held especially for Daily Advisory Organizers (BPH) of KSHK. This activity is carried out by the Hubungan Internal Departement of KSHK to strengthen the familiarity and bond between members, to create the realization of an organization that is beneficial both in the scope of lectures and the community, as well as to improve knowledge and soft skills related to KSHK and veterinary medicine in the field of pets. In addition, this activity is created as an effort to deepen knowledge and practice about the veterinary profession, as well as care, especially in the field of pets ranging from handling, restraint, physical examination, how to diagnose a case of disease, to various equipment needed for internships in the clinic.

The 2024 KSHK FKH UGM Bonding and Upgrading activity was held for 1 day and was divided into 2 activities. This year Bonding was on Saturday, 4th May 2024 located at Joglo Joho. This bonding activity has the theme of “Bonding Together, Creating The Moments” with a series of events in the form of games, sharing alumni and BPH lead organizers about time management, complaints about lectures and organizations, as well as impressions during activities at KSHK. Bonding activities are expected as an effort to reduce the gap between KSHK members by increasing interaction through games that have been prepared by the committee and improving communication both between KSHK members and among members and alumni. With this bonding, it is hoped that in the future KSHK internals can get to know each other better, strengthen personal bonds between members, and increase cooperation, communication, and trust in the group.

Meanwhile, the Upgrading Activities will be carried out online on Saturday, 4th May 2024 through the Zoom Meeting platform. The series of Upgrading events opened with an opening speech, a session with Dr. dr. Alsi Dara Paryuni as a speaker who delivered material related to “Basic Internship Skills in a Veterinary Clinic”, then continued with a question and answer session with the speaker, quizzes through Kahoot which were attended by all participants, documentation, and closing. With the implementation of this Upgrading activity, it is hoped that KSHK members can have better understanding related to the veterinary profession, proper animal handling, animal welfare, internship preparation, and basic internship skills, especially in clinics.

Contributor: Nabila Qurrota Ayun