Sleman, April 28th, 2024 – “Prakarsa Cita Bersama Naaranjana” was the headline of the Ruang Belajar BEM FKH UGM 2024 activity initiated by BEM FKH UGM Naaranjana Cabinet. The Ruang Belajar BEM, later known as RBB, was held at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, inviting nine speakers for each department sessions and two keynote speakers, Alvin Rizki Sitompul and Nicolaus Januar Sugianto. This activity aims to enlighten the member of student organisation in BEM FKH UGM to better understand and comprehend their main tasks and functions, as well as the general working direction of BEM, specifically within each department. The activity began with a session about the existence and how the student organization operates, then continued with a talk show about the benefits of being in BEM at FKH UGM, and ended with presentations related to the bureaus/departments in BEM FKH UGM.
The Ruang Belajar BEM 2024 indirectly correlates with the Sustainable Development Goals. The influence and impact of this RBB support the goal of producing quality education, which is related to the improvement of the capacity and capability of students. The capacity and capability of student resources are enhanced through the provision of material on self-management, organizational management, and personal development. In addition, with the existence of RBB 2024, the goal of achieving peace, justice, and strong institutions can be realized. The habituation and provision in RBB 2024 will provide institutional simulations that will be implemented in the future. The presentation of materials in RBB 2024 also contributes to realizing decent work through soft skills training.
Thus, the implementation of the Ruang Belajar BEM 2024 titled “Prakarsa Cita Bersama Naaranjana” is important and has its own urgency. This is evidence that there are many benefits, influences, and impacts resulting from the implementation of this activity.
Author: Dimas Surya Pamungkas