Debriefing of PMK FoVM UGM Committee



To begin the Christian student’s organization management of Persekutuan Mahasiswa Kristen (PMK) 2024 and to unite the vision and mission in service, on April 4 2024, the Daily Management Board and Advisory Board of PMK Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FoVM)  UGM held a management briefing with the theme “#1 dates: seeds” with a verse from Psalm 119: 71, 73 which reads ” That I am oppressed is good for me, that I may learn Your statutes. Your hands have made me and formed me, give me understanding, that I may learn Your commandments.” This theme was raised so that the management remains faithful and views the Lord Jesus as the main point amidst their responsibilities as PMK administrators. PMK administrators are expected to be able to establish an intimate relationship with God so that it will also have an impact on serving others.

This activity was carried out face to face and took place in the Seminar II FoVM UGM room at 08.00-15.00 and was attended by 45 administrators and 5 Advisory Board members. The participants attended the briefing event with enthusiasm and joy. At this debriefing event there were praise and reflection sessions, games sessions, commission washing, sharing sessions, and evaluating one’s strengths and weaknesses together.

In the first session, namely praise and reflection, the administrators were first provided with God’s Word contained in Psalm 119 with the title of the passage “The Bliss of Those Who Live according to God’s Torah.” From this reflection, the new PMK FoVM 2023 administrators are expected to be able to interpret the Lord Jesus as the main thing can provide growth for the ministry at PMK, so that the management can get closer to God so that they can bear sweet fruit in this ministry.

After session 1, the next activity was a chemistry check game between commissions and continued with lunch and sharing so as to revive the enthusiasm of the participants for the next event. After that, the second session began with a washing session for BPH and commission coordinators. This washing was carried out as a sign of the start of service as exemplified by the Lord Jesus to the disciples. The Lord Jesus has already served us, so we are the ones who must continue that service to others. After the washing session, it is followed by filling in a self-evaluation in the form of the strengths and weaknesses of each administrator which is written on paper and circulated in a large circle. The entire event was able to take place well and smoothly as a result of the cooperation of the committee and all parties involved.

From this event, all the values that were conveyed in each session were well absorbed, had a positive impact, and touched the hearts of every administrator. Hopefully this management debriefing activity can prepare all new PMK administrators to serve at PMK and have a good impact on themselves and others.

SDGs 4 Quality Education, SDGs 16 Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, veterinary medicine