drh. Nugroho Animal Center 2: A Place Where Students Can Learn the Veterinary Profession Directly



The implementation of Infertility and Sterility Courses practicum from the Department of Reproduction and Obstetrics has been carried out several times in drh. Nugroho Animal Center 2. This activity is the latest collaboration between drh. Nugroho Animal Center 2 and FKH UGM. This activity was held for the whole semester where the students were able to learn and feel the real vibes of being a vet in various animal production farms. 

The series of the event was conducted every Friday – Sunday. In each and every activities, the students accompanied by 3 laboratory assistants from Department of Reproduction and Obstetric, and vets from drh. Nugroho Animal Center. This collaboration is one example implementation of MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka), where students can learn the course directly not only theoretically, but also practically in the fields.