Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) was detected again in Indonesia in May 2022. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada supports the government’s efforts to overcome this outbreak. As an educational institute, UGM held a national webinar about Foot and Mouth Disease Vaccine Development.

This webinar was held online on Saturday, June 11, 2022. Delivered by all the experts namely drh. Hendra Wibawa, M.Sc., PhD (Head of BBVet Wates), drh. Edy Budi Susila, M.Si (Head of PUSVETMA), and Prof. drh. Widya Asmara, SU, Ph.D. (Professor from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UGM), and led by the moderator Prof. Dr. drh. A.E.T.H. Wahyuni, M.Si as the Head of the Department of Microbiology, FKH UGM
The main topic of this webinar is molecular epidemiology which emphasizes the involvement of potential environmental and genetic risk factors, recognized at the molecular level, in the etiology and avoidance of sickness through populations of this foot-and-mouth disease. drh. Edy explained the role of PUSVETMA as the main laboratory reference for foot-and-mouth disease in Indonesia and also about the vaccination program.
After the speaker session, there’s also Q&A or discussion session. All the participants were so interested in the topics, various questions were asked and answered thoroughly.
It is hoped that this webinar can provide further information regarding FMD vaccines in livestock in Indonesia so that FMD control and control can be more effective.
This webinar is also available online on our Youtube Channel:
/ J.O & A.F