

In 2050, it is predicted that antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is the highest cause of death in humans compared to cancer, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension. This is due to the large number of antimicrobials that are resistant to various pathogenic microorganisms, so that various diseases that arise are very difficult to cure. An increase in the number of deaths caused by AMR occurs because of the unwise use of antimicrobials, one of which is antibiotics. The results of the study by Antimicrobial Resistant in Indonesia (AMRIN) proved that of 2,494 individuals infected with Escherichia coli, 43% were resistant to various types of antibiotics such as ampicillin, cotrimoxazole, and chloramphenicol. The 2013 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) conducted by the Ministry of Health showed 85.5% of Indonesians kept antibiotics at home without a doctor’s prescription. Not only that, there are still many found in the field of antimicrobial use that is not wise in livestock for human consumption without prescription of veterinarians. Of course this can cause residues that are harmful to human health.

Information about the magnitude of the danger caused by AMR turned out to have knocked the hearts of Dasa Wisma Melati 09 RT 06 / RW 05, Kwarasan, Nogotirto, Gamping, Sleman to increase knowledge related to hazards caused by AMR. It is feared that information obtained from print and electronic media can lead to inappropriate assumptions about AMR. On this basis, on May 2, 2019, five UGM Students through the Student Creativity-Community Service Program (PKM-M) grant from the Ristekdikti in 2019 made efforts to increase the knowledge of the community through AMR campaign activities. The five UGM students were Cahyo Wibisono, Adel Cahya Widigda, Alfian Yuzak Muzaki, Farah Yumna Budiarti, and Muhammad Kahfi Maulana.

This activity was carried out with the dissemination of AMR which was accompanied by question and answer sessions and FGDs, practices to prevent the danger of AMR in daily life, making teaching aids to prevent AMR, and the establishment of AMR cadres. The success of this activity is inseparable from the role of the Companion Lecturer, drh. Anggi Muhtar Pratama, M.Sc. This activity will take place gradually, in June 2019 action and community declaration will be carried out in preventing the danger of AMR. The results of this activity are expected to make the Dasa Wisma group a pioneer in preventing AMR, because mothers have an important role in family life.